Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bernie Sanders speech

that was really a jack ass statement^^^.

let's take a look at the video, shall we?..i don't know about you but there was a very tall black man standing next to bernie..and just where was his assigned secret service? this rocks me to the core, that anyone can get this close to a presidential candidate.

secret service 0/5 stars:finger:

He might not have a secret service detail yet.

  • Which candidates for President does the Secret Service protect?

    In regard to presidential campaign, the Secret Service is authorized by law (18 United States Code § 3056) to protect:
    • Major presidential and vice presidential candidates and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election. As defined in statute, the term "major presidential and vice presidential candidates" means those individuals identified as such by the Secretary of Homeland Security after consultation with an advisory committee.

    The Secret Service provides protection for major candidates, unless declined.

    The Secret Service has no role in determining who is to be considered a major candidate. The Secretary of the Homeland Security determines who qualifies as a major candidate and when such protection should commence under the authority of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3056. This determination is made in consultation with an advisory committee comprised of the following individuals:
    • Speaker of the House
    • House Minority Whip
    • Senate Majority Leader
    • Senate Minority Leader
    • One additional member chosen by the committee
He might not have a secret service detail yet.

  • Which candidates for President does the Secret Service protect?

    In regard to presidential campaign, the Secret Service is authorized by law (18 United States Code § 3056) to protect:
    • Major presidential and vice presidential candidates and their spouses within 120 days of a general presidential election. As defined in statute, the term "major presidential and vice presidential candidates" means those individuals identified as such by the Secretary of Homeland Security after consultation with an advisory committee.

    The Secret Service provides protection for major candidates, unless declined.

    The Secret Service has no role in determining who is to be considered a major candidate. The Secretary of the Homeland Security determines who qualifies as a major candidate and when such protection should commence under the authority of Title 18, United States Code, Section 3056. This determination is made in consultation with an advisory committee comprised of the following individuals:
    • Speaker of the House
    • House Minority Whip
    • Senate Majority Leader
    • Senate Minority Leader
    • One additional member chosen by the committee

i thought of this after my post.

i hope after this incident, bernie will seriously consider some protection.

there are too many crazy people out there waiting for their 15 minutes..
why here's a picture of our last little psycho..such a cherub..what did he do again?:


that's probably what bernies wife was kvetching about..'told ya we needed protection from...":lol:
that was really a jack ass statement^^^.

let's take a look at the video, shall we?..i don't know about you but there was a very tall black man standing next to bernie..and just where was his assigned secret service? this rocks me to the core, that anyone can get this close to a presidential candidate.

secret service 0/5 stars:finger:

Does the secret service guard candidates?
militant biatches from another angle:

i bet most of you men would shit a gold brick and run around it if'n anyone of these biatches were in yo' face, niggah!:wink:

and will ya go to the fucking gym already, ya fat, porker bitch.
Little bit of Donald Trump in ya?
You would think that would be enough, But no, that reaction is what represents his constituency .Clearly he is a leader You could push him into a corner and shove your cock in his mouth and he would work it like there is no tomorrow .A real fighter .

it's cute how you turned that into your own homoerotic fantasy so quickly.

do you and your klan buddies snort meth off each other's cocks too?
....only the top 3% owned slaves, and the poor fought the war....but had no slaves to explain that one....or dont....because nothing ive said on this brain dead (stoned much?) site has been addressed directly...just attacked....have at it ;)

your ellipsis abuse is uncanny among racists. do you guys do that on purpose?

nearly half of families in some states owned slaves. over a third of all southern families owned slaves.

you are a historical revisionist. and a racial separtist too, apparently.
All the apologists braying at once won't change what is obvious to any honest observer. Fear of repercussion from his own politically correct/hair-brained constituency allowed two women to kick him off his own stage. Dress it up any way you want, it equals cowardice.

i can watch scott walker run away from politically powerless immigrants all day.

over and over again.
I like Keith Richards style of security myself but I see that post got deleted, must have been the hair remark, I didn't realize the word "nappy" wasn't allowed.

who knew that your constant racism would ever get deleted?

cry some more.
your ellipsis abuse is uncanny among racists. do you guys do that on purpose?

nearly half of families in some states owned slaves. over a third of all southern families owned slaves.

you are a historical revisionist. and a racial separtist too, apparently.
i concede despite neither of sitting reputable source, i dont really give a was still a banker war, just like the rest, and all ever.
i can watch scott walker run away from politically powerless immigrants all day.

over and over again.
im sorry the person is inaudable to me, and cant hear her question, that was likely instructed to be asked by an adult. fucken sadists in public schools for their agendas.