"Black lives matter"

i'm just saying that if anyone who has ever broken any law gets shot dead for no good reason, i will see it as my duty to smear their name posthumously, dehumanize them, and make sure that everyone knows they deserved it.

after all, that's what peckerwood is doing to this black victim of police trigger happiness, so he set the precedent. i am just following up for him.
Did I say he deserved it? I think you have a problem with reading comprehension.
I'm doing everything legally

cannabis is federally illegal, peckerwood. i will smear you so hard when the cops break in your door and shoot you dead before yelling "FREEZE!".

Why don't you tell everyone how you said that white cop deserved to get shot because he had a tattoo that you didn't approve of.

you mean the dead cop with the nazi tattoos? of course i wil smear him. smearing dead victims is something you taught me.
Sure , All my white friends look like this

Not trying to show indifference, because I do care about the plight of African Americans, but you do know that the Egyptians, Mesopotamians/Babylonians, and Romans all took slaves, sometimes from conquests and war campaigns, so these slaves would come in all shapes, sizes, genders, colors, and conditions. You know that, right?
Not trying to show indifference, because I do care about the plight of African Americans, but you do know that the Egyptians, Mesopotamians/Babylonians, and Romes all took slaves, sometimes from conquests and war campaigns, so these slaves would come in all shapes, sizes, genders, colors, and conditions.

any of them ever practice intergenerational slavery like we did here in the good ol' US of A?
Not trying to show indifference, because I do care about the plight of African Americans, but you do know that the Egyptians, Mesopotamians/Babylonians, and Romans all took slaves, sometimes from conquests and war campaigns, so these slaves would come in all shapes, sizes, genders, colors, and conditions. You know that, right?

Yes I knew that but I'm pretty sure except for the dirtfarming crackers who were one inch above slaves in our socioeconomic hierarchy no one continues to suffer as much in this country as black people. The difference is those same dirtfarming crackers wanted to keep it that way and still do.

Dirtfarming crackers now is your chance to angrily reply.
i think they all lived long enough to have kids.
In Egypt/Babylon/Rome? Maybe some Romans, or Babylonian sex slaves. I think most of them were "expended" if you'll pardon the expression. Those bricks for the pyramids, for instance, were not light, and those tombs are pretty large/tall.
In Egypt/Babylon/Rome? Maybe some Romans, or Babylonian sex slaves. I think most of them were "expended" if you'll pardon the expression. Those bricks for the pyramids, for instance, were not light, and those tombs are pretty large/tall.

so no one was living long enough to have kids?

yeah, sell it to someone else who hasn't heard of a history book.
Yes I knew that but I'm pretty sure except for the dirtfarming crackers who were one inch above slaves in our socioeconomic hierarchy no one continues to suffer as much in this country as black people. The difference is those same dirtfarming crackers wanted to keep it that way and still do.

Dirtfarming crackers now is your chance to angrily reply.
Yeah, I'm with you. Fuck that shit, and fuck those kinds of people. Those types need true beatdown.
so no one was living long enough to have kids?

yeah, sell it to someone else who hasn't heard of a history book.
Maybe some. I'm just saying, the Egyptians did not care about their slave laborers and often worked them to death, the Romans put some of their slaves in the Coliseum (most pitting untrained slaves against veteran gladiator slaves), and Mesopotamia was the first civilization, so you can imagine the first society experimenting with the first instance of slavery in a brutal era.
So I watched the Espys tonight, and the main topic there and everywhere else is this black Lives matter crap, I wanna give me 2 cents. First of all black Lives matter but so does everyone else on this earth, my problem with this is , black people once again are turning this into a black vs white problem. Black people once again are blaming all their problems on white people. You know it's time people realize that it's not white people suppressing black people, it's black people suppressing themselves. Stop blaming all your problems on white people, there's more black on black crime then anything else, I'm getting tired of going out in public and black people act like they have a chip on their shoulder towards white people just because white people are the easiest to blame. Fuck that I'm tired of hearing black lives matter, it's fucking ignorant, everyone's lives matter, no one ever said black Lives don't matter, you know something the first slaves and most enslaved races wasn't even black, so stop living in the past get-to the future and educate yourself. Better yourself. You know black people always turn everything into a racial problem, and fail to own up to their own mistakes,

any of them ever practice intergenerational slavery like we did here in the good ol' US of A?

The USA still practices slavery, as all tax farms do.

Rather than taking on the burden of feeding and housing their slaves, the masters now free range many of them.

For that privilege of more mobility and the illusion of freedom, the masters no longer take all of the fruit of the labor of the slaves, but they increase their net haul as they enslave a higher percentage of the entire population on an intergenerational basis.

Further they even place a debt on the unborn. You, of course, cannot refute any of that.
so no one was living long enough to have kids?

yeah, sell it to someone else who hasn't heard of a history book.

Slaves brought to the middle east were usually for sex slaves if female or made into eunechs, if male. The survival rate after the eunechification procedure was dismal.

Also, children born to African sex slaves in the middle east were often killed as infants.

The survival rate for slaves going to North America was higher than those going east.
The USA still practices slavery, as all tax farms do.

Rather than taking on the burden of feeding and housing their slaves, the masters now free range many of them.

For that privilege of more mobility and the illusion of freedom, the masters no longer take all of the fruit of the labor of the slaves, but they increase their net haul as they enslave a higher percentage of the entire population on an intergenerational basis.

Further they even place a debt on the unborn. You, of course, cannot refute any of that.
Slaves brought to the middle east were usually for sex slaves if female or made into eunechs, if male. The survival rate after the eunechification procedure was dismal.

Also, children born to African sex slaves in the middle east were often killed as infants.

The survival rate for slaves going to North America was higher than those going east.

what is your social security number, slave?