Black man kills three women, libturd media won't mention their races for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Get used to it. It won't matter unless another semi-white guy shoots another black guy. Then it's a hate crime.


Active Member
Where are the doin it for trayvon nuts now? oooo that's right black man committed the crime. no hate there not even against women. such equality in 2013.

He was already a registered sex offender among many of his other crimes should of put him down the first time.

The bodies of the three women were all wrapped in plastic bags in fetal positions. "It didn't look like a person could actually fit in the bag,"

no worries jesse jackson or al sharpton will be along soon to tell us about how it was because he was unprivileged and the system is against him.


Well-Known Member
I meant the reason it was exploited to the entire country. It was only a big deal because of their race. The crime itself is another story. Nobody should be killed but I highly doubt he was just walking around and decided that he was going to shoot him just because. We will never know what actually happened only what can be proved.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
this one will reach the saturation point because of Cleveland's recent entrée of highly perverted sex crimes of late. I remember as a kid it being said that Cleveland was like Detroit except without the glitter - maybe so.

Deltron 3030

Well-Known Member
Im so fucking sick of the media and their constant barrage of embellished stories or reports that hold no relevance to the large issues of today. Excuse my french but holy shit its like the news has become a show for entertainment rather than unbias fact. How many hundreds of people have been, women, fathers, sisters and not one prime time report on it. Yet somehow people still give two shits about zimmerman? Really guys? I dont see you hunting down casey anthony and she DEFINITELY committed that crime. If people really cared about stopping the killings they would focus on keeping black teens in school, maintaining full homes where both parents are present, ensuring a viable financial life and finally allow them to live day to day without feeling persecuted. The trayvon martin killing was not a crime of race or hate. The governments lack of care of low income ethnic groups is a crime of race. The media needs to cover the real issues, solve this problem at the roots


New Member
All I have to say is that this country is becoming more and more like Africa every day, with atrocity after atrocity after atrocity by blacks against blacks and blacks against whites. It looks like Charlie Manson's race war will soon come to bloom.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
i think there is no uproar because the white comunity either doesnt care or to busy with there own lives to protest and start news coveradge remember community outrage is what realy made the story so if you think its an atrocity then get your behind out there and promote change otherwise quit your bitchin or cryin wich ever it is.


Well-Known Member
IMO, the Zimmerman/Martin fiasco wasn't about race. It was about gun control. The race aspect was a distraction.


Well-Known Member
this one will reach the saturation point because of Cleveland's recent entrée of highly perverted sex crimes of late. I remember as a kid it being said that Cleveland was like Detroit except without the glitter - maybe so.
No glitter in Detroit anymore if there ever was. All those rust belt cities are the same to me. They come and go. Cities are not a unit of self rule. They are a unit of trade. Trade routes change people need to move, and not just squat and wait.

James Bliss wrote the omnibus treatment of the subject. Very deep. Similar to the Red Mars Series of terraforming, in detail, Cities in Flight tells the story of technology giving one last gasp to Cities that just could not or would not be bailed out, financially.

It is a tale of a bunch of Cities cast loose in the Universe and having to exist on their own abilities instead of depending on the govts to protect them.


Well-Known Member
one thing the OP will never dare mention is how obsessed the media gets with pretty white girls gone missing, but never give two shits about pretty black girls gone missing.


it destroys his stormfront narrative.

the media doesn't care about race, they care about ratings. a story like this one won't get ratings, it will get people to recoil in disgust. there is no "what if?" like in the zimmy case, this one is cut and dry.

OP is a racist stormfront douche.


New Member
Here's something extremely crazy to think about:

If skittles had died actually serving his country in Afghanistan, blowbama would never have even know his name.

Oh, and look at uncle dumb fuck kick and scream.

How funny.