Black Market. THE MARKET MAKER!!!!

you know whats funny the black market was once thought it was mexican but in the last years i found chinees japanees, ukran, russian, and indian from india, with very lil english skills running pot to despensaries, man i dont know but thier are a few others i cant think of their nationalities but its crazzy out thier..
Only one to blame is the gov this is 100% the same as the LP's here. Out of the gate with black market or higher prices. Problem is the entry bar is set to high to become a LP that real competition that would bring the price down to $2 per gram is blocked. When you have LP's ran but X illegal growers and Dime Bag CEO's who only care about stock prices to get more investment capital this is what you get.
Why does it always seem to boil down to folks who don't use it wanting to control it and make money on a product they despise. They only approve if they cash in on it...rec or medical. As long as they make money on it , it's okay with them.
Thank goodness it's the " peoples plant " and it fuck these folks every time.
The non users have decide well if we can't beat em...lets tax em.
But of course the BM has other ideas.
I guess in my life time I'm never gonna see it just be left alone. For people to do what they want with it. Like if you grew some tomatoes in your backyard....nobody would care. I guess this will not ever be. Because it's lure is too strong. Its just one of those substances like gold, alcohol, fuel, food etc that is just to tempting to people. So it's easy for some folks to get greedy over it.
Here is my tos.

YES. They have been confiscating HMK ™ style Rigs ™ at the boarder going into mexico.

YES . The people ordering them were murdered .

YES. It was not HMK ™ or tokecity ™ or AqualabTechs ™ fault.

YES. They made me watch.

YES. They are mad and blaming all of usa ™ and canada ™

YES. They invented the closed loop system

YES . They are tamisium.

YES. I approve of HMK ™ oil rigs and tokecity ™ and Aqualabtech ™

YES. That is why im forcing you to grow outdoors for sales only.

Yes . Air gas ™ is a 2 vs 1 fight .

Yes. That is why everyone h8's them.

Yes. I won this from them . lol.

Yes. They count what i did to the guy at air gas as murder .

Yes. That is why they banned me from romania .

Yes. This is why they let me back into romania.

Yes . I can make pyramids alllll day long.

Yes . There was female working at Prax Air ™ who sold ™ to me.

Yes . I got fired from xbox for masturbating and smoking bho.

Yes. I approve of playstation 4 ™.

No. on xbox.

No. on non HMK ™ oil rigs aka domes.

No. on oil rigs made by HMK ™ if they are not made by sober people.

Yes. they will be shipped backed and not destroyed.

Yes. I will buy a new camera .

Yes .I cant use the old one because of the murder/suicide.

Yes. I approve of nikon ™ and cannon ™

Yes. They and me approve of pictures of live grow shows.

No . they wont allow webcams except in bubbleman ™ style cells that are safe places for kids.

No. they wont allow live video .

Yes. they will not erase live text anymore aka forum posts.

Yes . you are allowed an edit button .

Yes . the person you reply to is allowed to ask for the original copy

Yes. Selling "Millies" by the gram was the reason

Yes . That counts.

Yes . You know why man ™ applies to all of toke city ™

Yes . You can play/grow/vape and smoke but not if your sick .

NO. on thcfarmer. even in real life that trick does not work on me anymore sooo maybe think again lady's before you try to offer me something i cant accept .

Yes. women and girls trying to use my grow for a weapon is why that happened.

No. girls dont grow for guys .

No. girls should never be allowed to trim alone for guys.

No . single girls are not allowed to sell for guys .

No. guys are allowed to sell to single girls.

No. parents are allowed to sell to single kids

Yes . 1 parent is allowed to sell to a kid but not 2 at the same time.

Yes . parents are not allowed to buy from single kids without permission from +2 and the kid gets the yes or no vote not the +2.
```aka no more suicide because of my crop or the quest for "legit" bho or glass.
Why does it always seem to boil down to folks who don't use it wanting to control it and make money on a product they despise. They only approve if they cash in on it...rec or medical. As long as they make money on it , it's okay with them.
Thank goodness it's the " peoples plant " and it fuck these folks every time.
The non users have decide well if we can't beat em...lets tax em.
But of course the BM has other ideas.
I guess in my life time I'm never gonna see it just be left alone. For people to do what they want with it. Like if you grew some tomatoes in your backyard....nobody would care. I guess this will not ever be. Because it's lure is too strong. Its just one of those substances like gold, alcohol, fuel, food etc that is just to tempting to people. So it's easy for some folks to get greedy over it.

Nah. We can make the weed too cheap for the greedheads and we will.
This is just a typical outcome of an emerging market. The same thing happened when alcohol prohibition ended. The black market flourished while big breweries had to license up and tool up, spending oodles of cash. The black-market brewers just kept on brewing as they always did and did it cheaper. But...when more and more brew factories came on line and started competing with each other the price was driven down to a point that crushed the black market and law enforcement cracked down on the bootleggers.

The same thing will happen with med weed if the government is stupid enough to limit production licenses and short the supply. And that is what Harper is doing up in Canada. In trying to eliminate the black market here by handing the business over to corps he is actually setting up the black market for a big win. The only way his plan will work is if he allows enough licenses across the country to incite true price competition...

I said all this in another thread a while back when a bunch of small designated growers thought they could transfer over and become LP's....
This country will always have a flourishing black market there is no stopping it. I live in the heart of the black market and see it everyday I know hundreds of growers and not one that pays taxes on the weed. They may pay some sort of income tax with a business front or something, lots of earth moving equipment owners in this area. I personally love it mainly because of the fact that our government will tax the shit out of a bunk product then over spend trying to regulate it. Its a lose lose for everyone involved with the transaction from the buyer to the grower. The only real winner out of it all is our government who now opened another window of cash flow with a product that for years people have been locked in jail for possessing even very small amounts. I don't know just seems kind of crazy if you ask me?
Harper is crazy. Or rather a religious zealot who thinks his morality should be everyone's. Same thing i

But hopefully he will be gone soon. He has managed to piss everybody off including his own hard core supporters so... i suspect we will see a new PM come fall next year.