Black Mouldy stuff on my bud plant?!!


I've only noticed today but some black stuff is growing on my bud plant, on the stem and on some small leaves, any idea's on what this is and how to stop it asap!??:shock:



its been quite hard lately, the weather has just been incredibly humid with no sun whatsoever, ill atempt to scrape it off, ill work at it from there, Definetly a downerrr :/

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dude that plant does nottttt look healthy

notttt looking salvagable at this point... looks like some mold along with maybe crazy overwatering with no drainge?


Active Member
Look up stem rot. I am sure there will be something here, or google it.
although not an authoritative source, found this on eHow...

  1. Treatment

  2. There are different stages of stem rot. The beginnings of the condition may resemble others such as lack of nutrition. If this is the case, remove the indoor plant from the presence of other plants to prevent the spreading in case it is stem rot, and add nutrients to the soil. In the earlier stages of the disease, prune the plant, removing the dying or infected leaves.

    If the condition worsens and the full stem starts to blacken, there is no cure. The only thing to do is remove the plant from the pot and dispose of it. Disinfect the pot completely and sterilize it to ensure other plants are not contaminated from the same pot. Dry the pot in the oven if possible at between 180 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Pour fumigated or pasteurized soil into the pot for the next plant. Check the other indoor plants for this condition as it tends to spread quickly.


Look up stem rot. I am sure there will be something here, or google it.
I am 100% certain that it isnt rotting, but given that, i have repotted it and removed all of the mould i can see and will keep it away from the greenhouse for a bit, just to see how it goes.