Black on White Crime.... "The Knockout Game"


Well-Known Member
finally someone with some sense no one wants to talk about the enviormental factors of the world today that creates these situations (only directed to those who live in the real world )
So no one born in these environments has the cognitive ability to realize what actions are right and wrong? Interesting.


Well-Known Member
So no one born in these environments has the cognitive ability to realize what actions are right and wrong? Interesting.
Right and wrong is such an ambiguous term when dealing with humans.

sociopaths often demonstrate higher levels of intelligence education and cognitive reasoning but hold little regard for the law or the rights of other humans
having their own sense of "right and wrong" which maybe inconsistent with the concept of right and wrong propagated by the current society


So no one born in these environments has the cognitive ability to realize what actions are right and wrong? Interesting.
I don't think anyone is saying that except you.

I think the point that I at least am trying to express is that those with less opportunity for education less community resources less access to money and job are more likely to commit crimes

People cannot escape their skin color. I know there are those that love to believe racism no longer exist. lets take this out of the light of racism I hate to call people that when a simple unintentional act is actually racist in its implementation but not in its intent.

There is a rich white male he has several jobs to give out
He needs someone to work closely to him and interact with him on a daily basis. He has a choice between two people equally qualified one his race one of a different race who is he more likely to pick? If he picks the person most like him that's not racist but when 60% of the population is one race and 14 percent is another the implementation causes a systematic problem for that 14 percent.

If he has a job available cleaning his shit on the other hand he is less likely to want someone that looks like him doing it. Is that racist?


Well-Known Member
feasy, I asked a question based of his reply. No where did I make the statement definitive.

Skunkdoc, I was speaking about right and wrong based off of laws not ethical dilemma.


feasy, I asked a question based of his reply. No where did I make the statement definitive.

Skunkdoc, I was speaking about right and wrong based off of laws not ethical dilemma.
Yes you asked a question based on his reply. But before hearing his response you had already asserted that it was interesting.

that's that passive aggressive bullshit why make a definitive statement when you can hide behind bullshit
At least that how I read it but maybe I am wrong and assuming to much either way my post is what it is


Well-Known Member
this happened to me once and im not even white. so once again there is no such thing as "ethnicity on ethnicity" crime, crime is crime yo.


Well-Known Member
whats emmet till got to do with it
It was a crime based upon the poor boys skin color. There is "ethnic on ethnic" crime, there has been, there will continue to be. I've been to spots in the south that I would not want to be any darker than I am.


Well-Known Member
Thats tribal behavior in some places on earth the blacks < oh shit I said it, like to chop people up with machetes... funny the punks never seem to pick out the right person, you know the one with a .45
I say .45 cause if you fight back the tribal behavior will make the whole posse attack you, it's better to just stay armed but at the same time if you shoot a punk doing there tribal behavior then your a racist ?
Some people just need to be killed.


Well-Known Member
Teen Playing Knockout Game Gets Shot Twice By Intended Victim Then Jailed
