Black People and V-Expensive Training Shoes....?


Well-Known Member
Why do black people have such a passion for expensive trainers?
And what's with their obsession for brand names?
They even use the words 'Off brand' as an insult....

400 years of slavery.
One generation after Civil Rights....
Trainers, fake diamond earrings and a million versions of the same fucked up rap 'music'.

"I have a dream!
70 pairs of pure white Nikes and Addidas trainers"
i read something recently that tried to address this issue
it also went further and asked why do many black guys date cheap looking bottle blonde white women with huge ear rings/tacky jewelry

many black folk are raised by single women
these single women typically like bright sparkly things (cheap gold jewelry bright colour shoes/outfits)
so these black chaps are raised in an environment of cheap tacky sparkly fashions
they are just emulating their mothers apparently with their choice of girlfriends and clothes
I'm referring to anyone who reads your post, genius. I can't stand racial shit. This country is still trying to recover from the effects of slavery and comments like yours hurts progress.
I'm referring to anyone who reads your post, genius. I can't stand racial shit. This country is still trying to recover from the effects of slavery and comments like yours hurts progress.

I doubt you could even accurately define what is and what is not racism
Your uneducated knee-jerk reaction is based solely on your misinterpretation of my post

Do not let yourself become the barking dog who barks at shadows
jeeesh its almost like you can't even make a racial joke anymore without someone being offended. PC had gone too far imo. not just race either. i saw this on fb today , my neice posted it.
get a life and learn how to laugh at yourself people. don't matter what color you are or who u sleep
The dynamics are strange.
Guess the problem in the U.S. is the racists will jump on board anything. Personally, I think political correctness is mostly an attempt to shame them. Don't think it will work. They don't seem to have any.

I don't see why it's not possible to have a whimsical convo without some guy prematurely ejaculating the race card.

Most Yanks are obsessed over racial political correctness.
Its like some folk have been trained to bark like an obedient black dog
if they see the word black in a sentence

woof woof he is a racist ^^^^

irony satire and sarcasm are beyond these people i guess

what i think is at the root of this
if these weak minded folk accuse others of racism they think this protects themselves from being accused of racism

personally i believe iconoclast only accused me of being racist because he assumes i am white
if he thought i was black he would of not made these accusations,

this means he has treated me differently because of my presumed race, this makes iconoclast guilty of racial discrimination