Black Powder Firearms...

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
I stumbled upon some black powder firearms and it seems like to get one you go on a hunting website and press add to cart.What are the restrictions on these? Like the whole thing. Do you have to register them, age requirement, license requirement???Help me out guys

Nexus Polaris

Well-Known Member
Ok, you can purchase the firearm from the website, but they will not ship it to your house. You have to go to a local gun store and show your valid info there, then have the gun shipped to that local gun store, where you can pick it up legally when it comes in.

white widower

Active Member
Black powder firearms are not regulated they require no backround check and can be sold mail order.You just have to be 18.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Federally, muzzleloaders are not regulated, however a few states have legislation classifying a muzzleloader as a firearm. Check your local state laws.