Black spots on Leaves


Active Member
the plant is a clone, and it has developed dark spots on leaf margins, that progressivaly begin to cover the whole leaf. The PH is kept at 5.5, and the other clone from the same plant is not showing the same symptoms. Here are the pics.

The dots are spreading across the whole plant. My idea is that its boron toxicity, but not sure at all what is the cause of this issue.

Here are some more photos, and the progression. Now the spots cover the top leaves as well. They began on the bottom, and now they are on the top, I am starting to think it might be a fungus.



Well-Known Member
It looks to me like you have a Calcium & Magnesium deficiency. Notice the yellow tips on your leaves? That would be magnesium. Notice the slight yellowing between the veins of the leaves? That would be magnesium. Those rusty colored spots look more like a calcium deficiency.

Why are you keeping your pH at 5.5? That's too low for veg. I keep mine at 5.8 during veg and then only take it down to 5.5 when I'm well into flowering.

What nutes are you using? Are you using a Cal-Mag supplement?


Active Member
It looks to me like you have a Calcium & Magnesium deficiency. Notice the yellow tips on your leaves? That would be magnesium. Notice the slight yellowing between the veins of the leaves? That would be magnesium. Those rusty colored spots look more like a calcium deficiency.

Why are you keeping your pH at 5.5? That's too low for veg. I keep mine at 5.8 during veg and then only take it down to 5.5 when I'm well into flowering.

What nutes are you using? Are you using a Cal-Mag supplement?
I have epsom salt, and I need to find dolomite lime somewhere, but i also use tap water which is full of calcium. Its strange that only this plant is showing this symptom, while my other clone is healthy, knock on wood. I flushed the sick plant, and I am waiting to see what happens.


Active Member
Have you had good grows in your setup before using that tap water? I found it easier to use reverse osmosis water and use PH up and PH down and a bottle cal/mag from a hydro store. It gives me piece of mind though it may not be your problem, I just prefer to know exactly what my plants are getting so I can nail down problems quicker.


Active Member
Have you had good grows in your setup before using that tap water? I found it easier to use reverse osmosis water and use PH up and PH down and a bottle cal/mag from a hydro store. It gives me piece of mind though it may not be your problem, I just prefer to know exactly what my plants are getting so I can nail down problems quicker.

Yeah, I am starting to think along your lines. I live in chicago, and we are known for really good tap water, so I dont know. None of my plants have these issues, only this clone. Ph is kept at good range.

How do you do reverse osmosis?


Well-Known Member
How do you do reverse osmosis?
You buy a RO machine. The cheapest ones usually go for around 200$.

I'm surprised you have good water in chicago. My friend lives there and his water looks nasty.

You should get the water report so you know exactly what you're getting.

The best thing you can do is go buy a RO machine, like the one dude said previously. It's extremely hard to learn what the problem is when you're not even sure about your water.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure that too much calcium locks out magnesium. It's possible that your water is loaded with calcium and it's locking out the mag. But until you know what's in your water it's all just speculation.


Active Member
My setup is small so I can get by with just using two 5 gallon water cooler jugs that I fill up at the grocery store's RO machine when I change my res.


New Member
What does pH Up or Down have to do with an RO machine? RO machines take out all the crap so you're left with pure water.

How is that even funny?
because u can use water correcting the ph and conditioning ur water. and let it sit out for a day or 2 b4 use and then u dont have to spend 200 dollars to get pure water. i realize what it does... im just saying money wise i wouldnt bother unless i was doing some hardcore setup. thats whats funny. im not disspecting im just sayin


Well-Known Member
because u can use water correcting the ph and conditioning ur water. and let it sit out for a day or 2 b4 use and then u dont have to spend 200 dollars to get pure water. i realize what it does... im just saying money wise i wouldnt bother unless i was doing some hardcore setup. thats whats funny. im not disspecting im just sayin

I have 1.2 EC coming out of my tap and a lot of people have similar levels. I don't ever go over 1.2 EC when I'm in the veg state. If I used pH UP or Down it would do nothing for that. A RO machine is one of the most important things to have. Letting the water sit out for a day or two just allows the chlorine to evaporate.

I'm not trying to be an ass, but I think that you're seriously underestimating the problems that most tap water causes...


Active Member
hmm...ill take ur word for it. Im look into that.

Ugh, you guys hijacked my thread!
Its okay, I dont mind, but I would like some input on my problem here, I am completely at a loss. I think the plant is dying, the spots have spread to the top of the plant, and now are beginning to cover the top leaves.


New Member
sorry we got sidetracked. im not sure what the problem is i thought it could b from the lights but now that i look again its deff some kinda element problem. id say.


Tap water is full of chlorine. Unless you leave it out for 24 hrs and/or add the stuff to remove chlorine, it'll kill your plant.