Random smoke report:
I was able to get a hold of 3 strains recently from a grower. Not a dispensary. White Widow, Chemdog 91, and Black Triangle.
I am not sure who the seed breeder is. What I do know is that the dank is still out there in some form. This gives me great hope because I know the genetics are still floating around. They are not gone forever, but exist in some form, somewhere out there. The DEA did not torch all of the good plants during 2007 to 2010.
It's like as if the legend, GOAT, what have you, gave up the game, retired had some kids and then his kids grew up and are out in the world doing there thing. You see these kid and although it's the first time you ever saw them, you say to yourself "where do I know you from?".
The fragrance was there for 2 out of the 3 strains. Not quite 90s smell but more like the what bud evolved to around 2005 when hybridization was taking root. Skunky, but had a more fruity component than the 90s shit which tended to be mostly skunky, funky, foresty, piny, citrusy. Still had that distinctive sweet, pungent fragrance from high end weed however. Just a little bit more added fruity component in addition to that kind bud sweet smell. Also had some hay-like smells as well but that could be because it wasn't fully dried/cured.
As for the high well if you smoke weed and forget what you were thinking about or suddenly find yourself thinking all kinds of random shit, then you know the bud is pretty good. Also when noone is standing beside you or next to you but you suddenly feel like someone is standing next to you. You're sort of tripping and the bud is doing all of that with its psychotropic properties.
You can only get these kind of effects from dispensary weed if you don't smoke for like 2 months and you have virgin lungs and tolerance.
I smoke daily all day and if weed makes me feel like that, there is something there.
Anyways with good weed, the trichomes and stickiness is so prevalent that not only can you smell it, taste it, touch it, but the entire weed just oozes with terps. I think that is what is missing from most of today's weed. Because weed is commercialized and mass adopted, to keep up with the demand, supply needs to be there. People just select any healthy looking plant as their phenotype and start cloning it. Besides regular, non-potent bud doesn't look much different from potent bud. You can't really tell how smart a person is just by looking at them. There are dumb looking people that are totally smart and vice versa. (caveat - with weed however I believe you can tell how good it is by the smell)
I'm beginning to see that good weed is basically just freaks. Freaks of weed. If they were humans it would be those humans that are 6'6" or 150 IQ or can run a 4.3 40 yd dash. Freaks.
When people need to supply weed for an entire region of dispensaries they can no longer just grow freaks. They need to start growing regular bud without all of the selective breeding.
The freaks are out there. That's what I need to focus on. So far I've grown regular marijuana I'd say just because I didn't go through enough to find that special plant that has way more trichomes than the average. But I believe they are out there. That's what the kind bud market was like in the 90s. Just regurgitated clones off that same freak.
Enough rambling. Some pics of the new weed I got. If this was 1995 these would go for around 50 per eighth. Not solid kind bud but definitely very high end mids if not getting into that realm of the kind. I think the grower didn't find The Freak with this bud but it's like in the same family.