Black Widow On My Buds

the russian man

Active Member
yes all grasshoppers r annoying to pick off ur plant SPIDERS ARENT GOOD cuz they live on ur plant right? so that means they store the food somewhere umm like you BUDS!!! amd they some times leave WEBS on your bud


Active Member
Black Widows are most of the time not lethal. They will cause serious muscle contractions that are extremely painful, but usually this is abdominal. The only circumstance this is fatal is if the venom reaches your heart and makes it seriously contract too much. Even in this circumstance, most people with a healthy heart can get through it, so people with heart problems are usually the casualties. They're also kind of useless on plants, as they don't have much hunger - they're one to eat once a month or so, so it's not a very good trade. And if you saw a red mark on its butt, it may very well have not been a widow. Their marking is on the underside of their abdomen. Sorry if I've repeated anything, just my two pennies.
Yes its true, the bite is now considered non-letahl, due to antivenoms and extensive research people can now be treated quickly when it happens. Symptoms usually include extremely painful muscle cramping, nausea and vomiting, light sensitivity, high fever and sweats, numbness may be experienced through the whole body, high blod pressure, anxiety, headache, and in some cases seizures (most commonly this happens to small children).

Any of these symptoms alon wouldn't be much of a big deal but depending on the amount of venom injected and the size of the person bitten, things add up and cardiac arrest can set in pretty quick in the worst case. Its not a good thing to get bitten. lol

As for red markings on widows, not all widows will have the typical hour glass shape, sometimes due to whatever reason, it can be a small blob, or other shape. In terms of insects and spiders in general bright colors are usually intended as a warning from mother nature that they "taste bad" or are "poisonous". Take a look at bees and wasps, usually a combo of yellows, reds, and blacks, these three colors are found in nature alot and should often be taken as a way of warning.


Active Member
That is great info Meezy. The black widows with no markings are most likely male btw, only females have the red hour glass. Correct me if im wrong but im fairly certain of this.


Active Member
That is great info Meezy. The black widows with no markings are most likely male btw, only females have the red hour glass. Correct me if im wrong but im fairly certain of this.
Males do have a marking, its more orange than red though. they are much much smaller than the females that everyone sees, they don't look too similar to the female widows, so people tend to not notice them. The males don't pose a threat to people, their fangs are too small to pierce our skin, and the venom is much weaker than the females.


Well-Known Member
Fuck you do realize Im gonna be creeped the FUCK out the next time i reach into the canopy..i hate spiders................i just total freaked out cuz i felt something on my shoulder..and there are no poisones bugs near me..i feel for you..that thing looks deadly


Well-Known Member
Oh my lord....those side effects of being bit match dope sickness to a tee.....shiver....i had to kick methane..because i had liver cancer i was on Im never gonna take them again..because of mj..
But it does sound exactly like what i went through


Well-Known Member
Stuckonsticky, thanks for feelin me man haha after seeing that I'm real uneasy with diving right into the plants to check things out. Yes maybe I won't die, but still would rather not have to deal with muscle contractions, headaches and medication helps with pain a bit but damn


Well-Known Member
Got bit by a black widow when I was 16. I do double takes now whenever I see a spider. Its pure agony. If you wear gloves though nothing will happen.


Active Member
spiders i think are good for plants i got about 5 of them on my outdoor...they keep the real bugs about from eating my leaves and ruining my bud!
me too.. one of my spiders curled up one of my leaves with its butt string, they made it their home and had a bunch children.

She layed her eggs in a patch of FAT trichomes.. her babies are guna be born high as fuck!! :)


Active Member
Black Widow achieves optimum results and also likes TLC . Indoor methods requires 8 to 10 weeks of flowering to produce the immense resin of which this plant is capable.For outdoor gardens, high rainfall results in reduced yield. They are great to use in experimental strains for the layman, in this case the male pollen is recommended to achieve some interesting hybrids.
rofl you must be pretty high, we were talking about the spiders, not the strain lmfao ;)