Blackjack indoors week 5 of flowering complete


Well-Known Member
sorry got blowed forgot and here ya go black jack late in flowering when yall think i should chop and watta ya thhink??????????



Well-Known Member
nah not yet..............but if ya let em go they keep swelling swear thought they were done then boom boom boom buds just kept popping and SWELLING if let go proper lenght very hardy harvest, but then some peeps just told me to let them go to 11 weeks and see what happens cause chopped some and they kinda dissapointed me but mayby they werent let to gro proper time so well see this time a beautiful BJ mom six mont and counting



Active Member
Dam I can't wait for these girls to be done.I just paid $180 for an oz of regs and i swear to god I can smoke 3 joints by myself in an hour and not be happy.This shit sucks,im soooo sick of paying money for crap


Active Member
I just checked the girls an hour before lights out,and I saw the first orange hairs,about 3 buds in the whole crop had one or 2 orange hairs.Coming down the back stretch now!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dam I can't wait for these girls to be done.I just paid $180 for an oz of regs and i swear to god I can smoke 3 joints by myself in an hour and not be happy.This shit sucks,im soooo sick of paying money for crap
I've been smoking some of mine for 2-3 weeks. Its better than what I would have bought. I know I'm decreasing my yield but I should have no problem having enough until the next harvest. I'm not buying shit that I'm unhappy with or extremely over priced. It does taste bad, I just cut off a little each day, all has been from the same plant and dry it over a toaster.


Well-Known Member
no you got tons of time bro be PATIENT this strain is very TEMPTING and by that i mean youll wanna chop cause ya think she is done but DONT fight the URGES and wait swear it will be your SICKEST harvest


Well-Known Member
ouch 180 for a zip......i could get ya some killa shwag 2 zips for dat mayby more......


Active Member
I really dont know when they will be ready,I've heard this strain is suppose to be ready in 9-11 weeks.I have never grown before so I'll have to wait till the hairs have turned colors and checked the trics under 30x magnifing


Well-Known Member
Looking GREAT dude. Like another poster said, just fight the urge to chop them until they are really ready. It could take another month, but it will make a huge difference in the quality of bud and yield you get.

Me and my friend are in the middle of grows and we ran out of weed. Just had to put down $210 for a half ounce of skunk x chronic. Its good shit, but I hate having to pay that much for weed. By the looks of it you shouldn't have to worry about buying anymore weed for a long, long time after you cut those beauties down. Good luck man and just try to be patient.


Active Member
So today started week 7 day 1 and i noticed during lights on time there was a bit of an odor in the room with the tent,this is concerning since i have a carbon filter on my exhaust fan,and i have an air purifier in the room.I dont notice any odor when lights are off and exhaust fan is off.
When i touch the girls then smell my fingers oh my god does it smell good,a few more orange hairs have emerged.I hope when its cured it smells something like when i touch them now.