

Active Member
After years of stating that we would never follow in the footsteps of our parents, my wife and I broke down and have started growing herb. We avoided doing this as we never wanted to be a part of our respective family businesses, but alas, we got tired of the sub-standard smoke being offered commercially. Thus begins our grow journal.

This posting is made retroactively, so please bare w/ us. Our crop is indoors due to the short grow season here, but we like the ability to control the variables. We cracked the seeds on Aug. 22nd. They are feminized Blackjack (I know, great strain, shitty choice of seeds) from Nirvana. They spent the first 30 days under 4 T12's, then went under the 400w MH. We are growing in a hydro system using GH 3-part. They are receiving 19 hrs. of light a day, and being fed 3 times during this period. Out of the 5 seeds we cracked, 4 are delightfully bushy. The other one will undoubtedly go hermie on us due to the amount of stress it has been under for the last few weeks. As information on this strain is sparse atm, we wanted to share our visual record of this grow in hopes that it might help others in the future. Welcome and feel free to comment.

First shots @ 28 days.



Active Member
Here they are at 49 days from cracking. Seven weeks in and they are really taking off. Plant 001 is our problem child. We topped her more as an experiment to see how she'd handle the additional stress. If she doesn't take well to it in the next week, she gets chopped. If she surrvives, she is going into flower. The other plants could use the extra room anyway. The clones are doing well. A couple have appeared to have started rooting as we can no longer get them to slip in their cubes. Our excitment is building, and we can't wait to get them into 12/12. 'Till Next week.




Active Member
I have offically given up trying to photograph individual plants. They have reached two months old (56 wks) as of today. We had intended to sex them via the clones and keep them as mothers, but I think we underestimated the size they'd reach (and I was bitching about them being small a month ago). I do believe I'll take another round of clones, and then supercrop these girls. Stay tuned for the fun pics in the weeks ahead.





Active Member
This post is a couple of days late. The girls (yes, unless they hermie out on me, I have hairs on all of them) spent a nice 40 hrs. in darkness to kick start their journey to my keef box. They all got kinked last week supercrop style, and all appear no worse for wear. The topped plant still shows signs of deficiency, but I'm giving her a chance. I DIY'd a veg cab, and most of the clones are looking somewhat happier. Some are looking great, while others are not so much. I think all of them will survive however, but time will tell. We also took some extra cuttings last week in order to try out a possible rooting technique we saw on here. One member (I greatly apologize for not remembering your name in order to give you credit) had accidentally flowered a cutting in a bottle of Fuze. We thought what the hell, might as well give it a shot. We also found a few bag seeds and decided to what would grow. A few were cracked and old, but amazingly enough 4/5 spouted. This pretty much concludes this weeks update. We hope to have more exciting pics for you next week. Stay safe and keep farming.




Well-Known Member
Your ladies look great! Blackjack was one of the strains I initially considered, so I'm gonna pull up a chair. We have Trainwreck going right now, and hubby and I were divided between white widow and white rhino - so we got both, they are germing as we speak.:-P


Well-Known Member
I see you haven't posted here in a while. I would like to see how there going just started a Blackjackmyself.


Active Member
Sorry its been a couple of weeks since the last post. There wasn't alot of action or change as the girls were settling into flowering and getting used to the ebb & flow. We are now 3 weeks in and they are looking great. No hermies as of yet. The topped plant in the center is very slow to do anything, but there are buds w/ hairs formimg and no bananas. W/ at least 3-5 wks left, I am begining to salivate at the thought of what harvest will bring us. Here are a few shots of what is sure to be some good times. Stay tuned folks, and keep farming.



Well-Known Member
Looking good! I understand what you mean about waiting though - my Train Wreck has been in flower most of the week, and there really isn't anything too exciting to see yet.