BlackRoses' Dairy Farm Blue Cheese and Milky Way scrog

yeah like me :))))

lol send me your email then

Here are some Fruit Spirit and Milky Way you'd like to enjoy on :D
Total Weight and Smoke report coming when the whole plant is dry and weighted.

Fruit Spirit (1/3 of it)


Milky Way (on the right a bit less then 2/3)
This was the one I took a right bud off to sample.. Delicious!!!


looks so good! the hair count on those buds are crazy!!! looks good! wish i could smell and taste

Thanks guys, indeed the hair count is just staggering.. the buds are nice and compact, covered in hairs and THC, loads of smell, big flavor..
Can't say enough about it.. I love this strain.
The Fruit Spirit/BlueCheese combi is a real killer.. It's actually BlueberryxWhiteWidow x BlueberryxCheese.. So 1 good puff is all you need to feel fucking stoned.
Yeah, if you've traveled enough, you get to know people who'd pay plenty for some oz. but I don't sell to them.. :):rolleyes:
Haha, u dont need to have travelled, just b part of an Internet Forum where ppl Love to smoke Good Bud!!
I know i'd pay for that, so thats a good job indeed!

I just stopped over from Ninja's grow to look at your pics. Nice-- I'm certainly a little ways off from harvest, and it's good to see where my ladies will be in a week or so.

Haha, thanks for the free publicity!!
Haha, u dont need to have travelled, just b part of an Internet Forum where ppl Love to smoke Good Bud!!
I know i'd pay for that, so thats a good job indeed!

Agreed, and you get better prices and quality.
That's how I find my dealers anyways :p
Agreed, and you get better prices and quality.
That's how I find my dealers anyways :p

Haha, yeah but its legal there.. Cant exactly hit people up on the forum's here with 'Hey can we meet up and exchange Cash for Bud?' Ppl presume ur a Cop & tell u to go suck a fat one..
Haha, yeah but its legal there.. Cant exactly hit people up on the forum's here with 'Hey can we meet up and exchange Cash for Bud?' Ppl presume ur a Cop & tell u to go suck a fat one..

I just became legal and still cant wrap my head around the idea.... I know its ok but still kinda feels weird.

its not legal only legal in coffee shops

Im pretty sure patient to patient transactions are perfectly legal where Im at but my gut still says "BAD IDEA DIP SHIT"

EDIT: Just noticed the letters D.E.A in IDEA.... probably the homegrown talking.

lol! didnt kno u was a patient i was talkin bout for the non patients lucky guy!!

Didnt know. Still, i think it would take a pretty hard-line cop to bother to bust you for it though wouldnt it?

lol well let me address all the issues at once..
Here it's permitted to have up to 5 plants per household, after that you get 500 euros / additional plant fine up to 5k
If they notice you're a supplier (30 plants or more) you'll get fined on a different calculation.
They'll calculate your pots, the amount of lighting you're using and how much you would have made on the streets at a fare price of 1800 euro/Kg (which is fucking fair of them to do cause the street price now-adays is 3500 for 8 weeks 4000 for 9 weeks and up to 5500 for any Haze longer then 9 wks.
But you can only get fined up to 25k, so big suppliers tend to try and hit 25k in profits at the first time, so they can cover their bills if anything happens on the 2nd run.
Here it's pretty much impossible to get locked up for growing weed, cause the economy depends on coffeeshops and it's illegal to grow more then 5 plants for EVERYONE incl. coffeeshop owners..

So what the gov. does is cover an eye at coffeeshop owners to where they get their supplies from.. all they care about is that the taxes are being paid.
So they know the weed is coming from us.. home growers, so they don't bust us, they only bust big timers once every month..
But trust me, there are 1000's of coffeeshops throughout this country, no way demand can get supplied if cops were harassing people like me.
But on the other hand.. I can get anywhere from 3.50 up to 4.50/gram at coffeeshops, but there are people in other parts of the world who are willing to pay 8.50USD /gram on good quality herb, that's 8 euros.. for them it's fucking cheap, but for anyone that's willing to sell.. it's gold cause they won't be able to get that much here in shops... not even dreaming..
So what they realized here is vacuum seal the herb, put it in a envelope that fits in any mailbox and send it out.. envelopes never get scanned, way too many of those going by the second. What they do is sometimes have dogs standing on the conveyor belts with their noses down.. but that's where the vacuum sealer comes in.. if the air particles in the envelope where the weed is can't interact with the particles on the outside, then dogs can't smell it. No animal on this planet can. Cause it's a nose, not a IR device..

And honestly, selling weed is so normal here, we got a webforum devoted to dealer:
I know you can't understand the language, but just flip through the pages and read the descriptions, you'll see noticeable names ;)

looks tasty, nice work

Thanks brotha! ;)

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later. (lol never seen this one before..)
Great looking pull there BR should keep that MW a staple in that garden loving the trichs.

Shits pretty bad ass. Over in the states you pay atleast 20 bucks a gr for decent quality sensimillia good stuff is 25 and sometimes 30 bucks a gr. Can't wait to be legel in CO!!!

Great looking pull there BR should keep that MW a staple in that garden loving the trichs.

Shits pretty bad ass. Over in the states you pay atleast 20 bucks a gr for decent quality sensimillia good stuff is 25 and sometimes 30 bucks a gr. Can't wait to be legel in CO!!!


Damn that's expensive.. I hate to be you guys :)