BlackRoses' Milky-Way True Aeroponic SOG 1200W garden


Well-Known Member
Nice video BR, you are acutally a decent narrorator. lol Good call on not vegging them ,they would get out of control quick. This is going to be fun to watch.


Well-Known Member
It's looking a little to white in that room for me. J/k but let's. Let the green colors begin!!!!
Ay atleast when you take the cuttings they will be good and ready to root fast as hell looking for some food right?

Nice video BR, you are acutally a decent narrorator. lol Good call on not vegging them ,they would get out of control quick. This is going to be fun to watch.

Guys thanks for all the comments, I've been so busy trying to fix all those bugs in the system and finally it's done.. I only need to attach the 360º Ez-Clone sprayers and start taking cuttings hopefully tomorrow.. I have the system running soap water to clean it up 1 more time, then I'll drain it and add my RO water and Advanced Nutrients Jump Start to root those clones.

Final pic without plants in them, I promise.. :P



Well-Known Member
hell yea man def can see u been in there plannin and workin that table looks way more supported!:clap: cant wait!
and +rep!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, here are some green for ya..
atleast some.. :p

And yes.. I'm rooting under a 600W HPS.. it's running 24h anyways..
so I figure why not use a little more.. It's set pretty far away and the Temp and RH are perfect..
I also used those Sure To Grow 1.5" cubes I ordered online from the states.. they're pre-PH'd so all I had to do is pore my rooting additives (Advanced Nutriets Jump Start) and take the cuttings.
I took 20 today, and will take the rest hopefully in 4 days in the system itself and also add these hopefully rooted by then cuttings.


M0de Grow

Active Member
Nice! how long are you going to let them veg once you there rooted? or have you not planed that far ahead yet? haha


Well-Known Member
Nice! how long are you going to let them veg once you there rooted? or have you not planed that far ahead yet? haha
lol I have, as soon as I see roots and all 34 pots are filled, I'll trigger 12/12..
Not going to veg at all.. Maybe 2 days under 24h and that's it.


Well-Known Member
oh wow thats cool. thats how you did your last grow right? and is this going to be a scrog?
Last grow I vegged 6 weeks from seed, and yea I'm going to add a trellis net to keep everything sorted out.
Not sure how quickly everything's going to grow and I'd hate to get out of control budding..

M0de Grow

Active Member
yeah true true.. well im excited to see this 12/12 from clone haha! the Milky way should make this a nice grow also


Well-Known Member
yeah true true.. well im excited to see this 12/12 from clone haha! the Milky way should make this a nice grow also
Actually I misspoke a little.. I'll most likely veg them until I see a decent amount of roots.. if that takes 1 or 4 days, doesn't really matter..
I'll switch the lights off 24-48h depending on how tall they are, and then trigger 12/12 with first feeding.
I've never done aeroponics or hydroponics for that matter.. so I'm hoping I don't get anything wrong.

M0de Grow

Active Member
Actually I misspoke a little.. I'll most likely veg them until I see a decent amount of roots.. if that takes 1 or 4 days, doesn't really matter..
I'll switch the lights off 24-48h depending on how tall they are, and then trigger 12/12 with first feeding.
I've never done aeroponics or hydroponics for that matter.. so I'm hoping I don't get anything wrong.
Im hoping too man! but im sure you'll do fine!


Well-Known Member
Yes the clay pebbles finally arrived today at the grow store..
I just finished washing them, now they're soaking in water and I'll take 15 more cuttings tonight directly in the system.