Well-Known Member
There is no state where you can wear a mask and carry a gun legally. Why are some of them wearing masks?
There is no state where you can wear a mask and carry a gun legally. Why are some of them wearing masks?
Well, I'm "assuming" you can't walk around carrying a gun while wearing a mask. I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure if you do, the first cop that sees you will have some questions.Citation?
I'm doing fine. How about you?Hello ...and how are you doing today???
Well, I'm "assuming" you can't walk around carrying a gun while wearing a mask. I could be wrong. But I'm pretty sure if you do, the first cop that sees you will have some questions.
so they are not blacks?The link identifies these guys not as "blacks" but as "black panthers".
Why you gotta lie, cheesy?
so they are not blacks?
are you implying something else?
Equivalent to a bunch of Klansmen patrolling with guns, no?
On that I agreeEquivalent to a bunch of Klansmen patrolling with guns, no?
so they are not blacks?
are you implying something else?
You went wayyyyyy left field. We speaking the value of the Hoover Damn, but you have no answer for such a wonderful and helpful government created structure, that you wander off talking about Wendy's and shit filled burgers. GTFO. Your argument went lame.
As far as taking shit that don't belong, the land in which you claim as yours was undoubtedly taken from someone else. Are you willing to give it back and go live the life you so preach about... or will you just be the bag of wind you are and continue to reap the benefits this nation provides you ?
My idea is realistic
Sometimes I order things that has to be delivered by mail. I'm sure you would be against that. They have to bring it to me by road,air, and bridges. We know you hate those things because the government is a part of it.
how is it a false allegation? you spam NAMBLA rhetoric onto this forum.
why do you think pedophilia is a "voluntary agreement"?
Sir Rob Roy I keep naming things that is not force, you fine sir refuse to acknowledge them. Say for instance I speak on my wonderful local library. It's not force when I agree with it. The roads and bridges. Hell I gladly give in order to drive with ease. I can go on and on because it is not force when you agree.You're funny. I answer far more questions than you do or than you can.
When measuring the value of something, the method of achieving that thing should be considered. The Hoover dam IS valuable, that doesn't mean it couldn't have been built using a more just means does it? If the end result is all that matters, you are attempting to justify unjust means.
The people that lived on my land many years ago are all dead. The person I bought it from was paid the price he and I agreed to. How would you suggest I restitute a person dead for hundreds of years?
As far as a bag of wind.....You made an assertion your government ISN'T force, then couldn't list ANYTHING that they do which you like that isn't based in force. Now, who's the windbag?
So Wendy, err Windy, how's that list of things that you like the government to do for you that don't involve force coming?
Hint - if you can't even back up your own statements, you're losing.
The only cotton I pick is a nice polo shirt from the mall...and some towels the other day from TargetI think you have a comprehension problem. When did I say that I hate roads and bridges?
Are you so incredibly dense that you think the ONLY way something of value can be achieved is thru force?
It sounds like you think the end result justifies the means. Slave holders used that b.s. too.
....but who will pick the cotton? That is not a justification for slavery is it?
Sir Rob Roy I keep naming things that is not force, you fine sir refuse to acknowledge them. Say for instance I speak on my wonderful local library. It's not force when I agree with it. The roads and bridges. Hell I gladly give in order to drive with ease. I can go on and on because it is not force when you agree.
It is you that have the problem thinking that because you have to help pay for public school it is force ( in which you and your intelligent children did attend ) ...I say not. I'm thankful that my nation makes an attempt to teach our young and old. I have actually been to countries where this is not done. Do I need to tell you how it is there ?
The land you own is not yours according to your believes. It can't be, because more than likely it was stolen land and belongs to the family in which it was stolen. To do as you believe you would have to return the land to the family ( or even nation ) it truly belongs to. That sir I'm sure you would not do.
You sit around and complain whilst you enjoy the benefits of your complaints.
The only cotton I pick is a nice polo shirt from the mall...and some towels the other day from Target
not force when you agree. You ignore any list, the same way you ignored returning the land that you have. I'm sure we can locate a family or nation that can rightfully claim it. Where you at ?This is too easy.
Of course it's not force when YOU agree to it and whatever it is you agreed to only includes you and others that agree to it , however it is FORCE when other people that don't agree are automatically encompassed in something. Again, logic has my back. Uncle Shit stain and Cheesy the Clown have yours....sad...very sad.
No, I don't sit around and complain. You have no idea what I do or how I do it. You on the other hand make proclamations that your government isn't force, then when that side of your mouth has barely stopped moving, you commence attempting to justify the force.
Your cognitive dissonance is stunning.
How's that list coming?