Blaze & Daze

Got My car last night !
Dark out and shivery cold. Everything looks good, Soooo Shiny.
Today I'm sick.
Couch laden and nose explosions keeping me from even going out to play with it >:( .
That was a tough emoticon to choose. I went from loving the new car's arrival to being sad over your virus so went with like. Hurry up and feel better I NEED to see your new car.
Happy Veterans Day to my fellow vets. Gonna drive into town later and grab my free coffee at Starbucks, a free donut from Dunkin doughnut and maybe a free car wash. If I can muster the energy to go to the big town close to us I'll grab a free lunch from Mission BBQ too. Free is my favorite price lol.
Happy Veterans Day to my fellow vets. Gonna drive into town later and grab my free coffee at Starbucks, a free donut from Dunkin doughnut and maybe a free car wash. If I can muster the energy to go to the big town close to us I'll grab a free lunch from Mission BBQ too. Free is my favorite price lol.
I was just a a service with my dad.. he was awarded a plack for his service and a pin..

Thanks for your Service to all of thoughs who have served (:
Light smite! If I'm dropping shit on plants it better be for a purpose!
How's your feathered friend's doing? That was heart felt what I read what you did for them all. Especially poor raven with wing. :peace: