Blaze & Daze

Get a tube of surgical glue, way less funky chemicals compared to Super Glue. I have used super glue before but my doctor frowns on me performing my own wound treatments ever since I got a nasty infection in one of the fingers I tried to fix.
I ran my finger tip into a table saw blade.. it took my nail and just hit the bone.. I grabbed some gorilla glue and filled it up..
Worked great..
Get a tube of surgical glue, way less funky chemicals compared to Super Glue. I have used super glue before but my doctor frowns on me performing my own wound treatments ever since I got a nasty infection in one of the fingers I tried to fix.
My dollar store is actually closed. They closed at 4! I got there right when the morning shift was closing up for the day. Graaah. I am gonna just wrap it in duct tape after dipping it in vodka. It's just the pad, so no joints are in danger. Might get a cool scar.