Blaze & Daze

Can't I press some bud, decarb, mix with coconut oil, add lechitin and then won't that be good for infusing edibles or just take orally? Did that and added some to Dad's CBD oil we buy and it did affect him after I got the dosage up just not totally sure that's how they're making that CBD oil ie what carrier solution it is.
Yup but gotta infuse all that in the MCT for few hours first
Definitely don't use your favorite buds! Those are best saved for what you call "dessert" o_O


When it's time to jar up the bud, I know I'll never make it to next harvest before it's gone. So I stash the prettiest buds at the bottom of my gallon jars, so towards the end they're the most cured of the entire harvest. Good to know I'm not the only one who has end the end of jar buds planned before I've smoked the first buds of the harvest.