Blaze & Daze

I forgot to beep. Am I becoming human O:

Just started the scion, moved everything from the other car over to scion. Scion will not get warm. Hopefully nothing is broken and it's just frozen up a little bit. Malibu is now warm and heading out to make delivery to moms house. Man, it's cold out. The dress crocs do not work great for keeping toes warm in 1° weather -15 windchill. Lol
Dropped off some friendship bracelets for my mom that a friend of ours made for her, dropped off mail for my oldest son, dropped off some of the brownies that I made for my sister to give to her friends, and tossed my nephew a half zip of Orangeadelic just because. Also picked up my new inkbird vacuum sealer for testing. Headed home to do dishes, make food, and prep some chicken breast with the vacuum sealer for the sous vide.