Blaze & Daze

You can't stop garlic! I started replacing my old rotting raised beds a couple years ago. Getting older personally is the impetus for that! This year I have plans for one more bed to complete my scheme and I'm sowing all my paths with prostrate herb varieties. I'll be boring everyone here with my projects as always!

We're jonesin' it here to start some seeds in the greenhouse but we've learned that going at it too early doesn't always play out. We're 3 1/2 months out from being able to put anything outside here...including weed. (June 1) It's a short and sweet season here @7100 ft compared to most areas of the country.

Fookin thieves. We had em hit our CC in Cali at a gas station for $1500...$100 a pop/at a time. CC company called and said it was happening in real time and asked "Are you currently in California?" BOOM. Card shut down. Kinda think the card was compromised by a seed bank that is no longer in operation...cus the timing was within days of making an order/giving them my number. Couldn't prove it though...
mine was likely a scam that i fell for - was expecting a delivery, just wasn't sure of the carrier. i got a text alert that the delivery was attempted but unsuccessful, so they needed to reroute it. it would cost me $3, and sent me to a site that had credible, working links to usps pages. soooo there i was, giving them my card, my exp date, cvv#, etc. then the next day the package arrived, via fedex, and i realized i'd fucked up. i was actually surprised it took so long; usually scumbags can't wait to spend someone else's money. most transactions were online, one in colorado, one in california, and some others, all trying to go through within 4 minutes of each other.
So besides the new 200 Amp panel and breaker box and sub panel and all the electrical work I have planned to finish Monday my garage door's spring has died. So our door guy will be out Monday so the electricians, inspectors and blah blah blah can finish up :roll:

When it rains it pours.

As an aside the company's owner was fascinated about why I was using so much energy, upstairs no less LOL. He asked, "Are you mining bitcoin?" I simply looked shocked and said, "How did you guess" :lol:
that's nice set up! we're cobbling together old bits and bobs of lumber, roofing, pvc to build new beds this year. i did 4 years of raised, then in 2020 decided to tear it all out and go with inground rows. this year i'm back to raised beds.
my garlic grew 6", got zapped by the freeze, and are now making a second push. it's always my favorite thing to grow.
Do you grow hard neck garlic? scapes are really good I pick so many from two patches usually get two full bags of em. We hang in lattice to dry and friend braids up some looks nice hanging in kitchen and convenient. Elephant garlic is huge but basically a giant onion. We grow purple small hot spicy ones and regular, usually in November,been growing same ones from leftovers for years.
Do you grow hard neck garlic? scapes are really good I pick so many from two patches usually get two full bags of em. We hang in lattice to dry and friend braids up some looks nice hanging in kitchen and convenient. Elephant garlic is huge but basically a giant onion. We grow purple small hot spicy ones and regular, usually in November,been growing same ones from leftovers for years.
yes, hardneck. i started with bulbs of russian red and georgian fire, then saved a few that fall for the next year. so on and so forth and i haven't had to purchase seed garlic since 2017. i grow 150-200 a year, then save enough to replant after curing. the rest goes in the walk-in for using until the following year's harvest.
yes, hardneck. i started with bulbs of russian red and georgian fire, then saved a few that fall for the next year. so on and so forth and i haven't had to purchase seed garlic since 2017. i grow 150-200 a year, then save enough to replant after curing. the rest goes in the walk-in for using until the following year's harvest.
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So awesome we have two rows just about the same size as yours triple 10 once in November and a few in spring and that's it with our fresh compost. Identical the way there hung also just made me laugh.we do Same after dries pluck apart and plant away made a two by four with ends of tomato stake head to make holes worked ok. I see the scapes growing haha!!! Nice
He we go again. Good mornin'...

We're just getting into growing garlic. Pretty sure what we planted/are overwintering is a Russian hardneck variety. Planted a 4 x 4 raised bed. Covered it with 18" of leaves. Not as much snow on top of the beds as I'd like for added insulation...but it is what it we'll see. Strawberry beds are in the same mode. Covered. Hopeful. They usually do well and are green/growing when we uncover them...but last year was scant on snow as well and about 1/2 froze. Gotta start thinking about ordering onion starts before they sell out. And plans in the old head about all of that as well. Gonna play a bit more this year and change things up some cus I have enough hash for 2 years from last years massive grow. I kinda went overboard >a bit<.
