Blaze & Daze

i'm pre-pre. i wore one of those continuous glucose monitors last year just to see what was affecting me the worst. turns out white rice is the worst - almost as bad as a candy bar! but sourdough bread doesn't do much. also learned that if i drink a small amount of ACV, like half an ounce, before i eat something sweet, it helps counteract the effects. good luck!

Made it out alive. LOL. Found out that "testing" at the hospital is the "roll up yer sleeve and get queasy" kinda fun. Only one tube...but yeah... still my least fav thing to do. Why can't they put a nice liddle "Keith" kicker in there somewhere? C'mon...just a bit... Nope. They aren't any fun. I did get to tell the Phlebotomist about some of my past blood draw fun though. She was glad I didn't pass out on her...LOL. Ah...the mental gig of it all.

Will go to the doc next time cus she just pricks the finger. Results in minutes. This blood draw test will take a week.

Still trying to figure out the ins and outs of it all. Hopefully my changes in diet/sacrifices over the last 6 months will play out well. If not, I'm heading to the bakery...