Blaze & Daze

I can hear it calling sometimes...

come to mama...
Stimulants help concentration and focus but also distraction.
Work is a stimulant. Life is a stimulant : drugs are fun.
i agree, but unfortunately it’s too easy to OD on Coke. Gotta know your limits, and most people dont
That there problem. Why do a few dumb people have to ruin a good thing for everyone else.
Work is a stimulant. Life is a stimulant : drugs are fun.

That there problem. Why do a few dumb people have to ruin a good thing for everyone else.
Yeah, and it’s not like you can’t OD on a bunch of over the counter substances. Eat a bottle of sleeping pills, drink 5 bottles of NyQuil, drink 15 Red Bulls…chance to OD on all Of them.

boils down to the government not being able to take their cut from illegal
Drugs. Fucking evil overlords…
I will never forget one day while hanging out in Washington Square Park NYC, we saw a dealer
Lose his entire stash of crack on the walk way: how it happened I do not know, but a crowd of hungry crackheads pounced on the baggies like a pack of wild rats on cheese.
in an alternate reality, in 1997 i was at a house party hosted by my (dirtbag) boyfriend who NEVER vacuumed his bedroom. folks were hanging out in the bedrooms for the drugs, then coming out in the kitchen for drinks, basement for dancing, etc. i was in his room, rolling joints and a few dudes came in to smoke some meth. one of them dropped his baggie and two small pieces fell out, onto the nasty ass carpet. all three of them immediately dropped to the ground to start combing the shaggy shitshow of a floor. they eventually decided that one of them had "found" a piece of the meth and so they popped it into a pipe. let's just say from their coughing it wasn't what they were looking for. that was the moment i decided that i would never smoke anything other than weed. they were literally acting like fiends and it was pretty disturbing to sit back and watch.
in an alternate reality, in 1997 i was at a house party hosted by my (dirtbag) boyfriend who NEVER vacuumed his bedroom. folks were hanging out in the bedrooms for the drugs, then coming out in the kitchen for drinks, basement for dancing, etc. i was in his room, rolling joints and a few dudes came in to smoke some meth. one of them dropped his baggie and two small pieces fell out, onto the nasty ass carpet. all three of them immediately dropped to the ground to start combing the shaggy shitshow of a floor. they eventually decided that one of them had "found" a piece of the meth and so they popped it into a pipe. let's just say from their coughing it wasn't what they were looking for. that was the moment i decided that i would never smoke anything other than weed. they were literally acting like fiends and it was pretty disturbing to sit back and watch.
Yep! Drugs suck! I was doing coke when I was young and dumb had this beautiful girl that wanted to have sex with me! And I couldn't get it up last time I ever did coke!