Blaze & Daze


40°s......moist......not me.....the weather ;)

Looks like decent weekend weather coming.

How's everyone today?

Backache subsiding...hip ache taking it's place. LOL. What the fuck would I do without pain? I've had a >few< pain free days in the past and it's truly weird to not hurt. A high of major proportions. Just gotta get moving/the bong fired up/etc. At least the head feels pretty good this AM.

Our Shep/Pyr we got @ 8 months was a 4 on the 1-10 scale of proper weight...and she still weighed 60 pounds. With half German Shepherd...she doesn't appear to be taking the Pyr side on size/weight. She got the Pyr fur/white chest/legs...but the rest of her truly looks like a huge Golden. That's what sucked me in. Woulda taken a step back had I known she had Shepherd in her....but we didn't...and we love her...even if I am holding a leash/am in tow FAR too much. Overall she's a really good dog. She just has no recall/will not stop/will take the fuck off/chase cars up the road/etc. if she gets free. It's maaddening as fck. Can't be out of her sight or she freaks...but if she's off leash...she doesn't give one fuck about ya/won't come/just does the play bow thing...looks right at ya with a "fuck you" look....and bolts. Thankfully we live in the boonies....but we have a bevy of folks who don't do shit all day and think they need to "walk". So they saunter down the road...and the dogs go crazy/bark/sneer like wolves at em. I wish I was even more rural...LOL.

My crew. General Kief Trichome on the left...Shanti Fuckstick on the right.
Hahaha! Our dog is 100% the same. His recall is shit most times but he’s beside himself if you’re not with him every second. Little buggers ;)

Our girl is also a sweetheart. You wouldn't think it how she greets ya though. Full on barking...pulling...etc. We are >working< on the jumping up on people thing and she is responding to the corrections...but's like kids...yer on repeat every single time! We've had her almost a year (4-12) and everyone is figuring out their boundaries. She had no clue what toys were when we got her...but now she's a Benebone/Kong fiend...always dragging something around...including HUGE limbs that fall out of the tree. She's also does a fabulous "Bark at the Moon" thing...or planes in the sky.... oh my. >Fuckstick<
Our girl is surprisingly very quie. She only barks when someone approaches the house. I take her everywhere with me and she is mostly ;) well behaved although if it’s a new environment she does get apprehensive. I have had her for three months now and love her very much. :hug:

Ok... So tangent time.

My wife is a knitter, now I'm not saying she sometimes knits, I mean she is fucking knitting ALL THE TIME. Walking through home depot I feel like I've got my grandma behind me, knitting a sweater and not paying attention to shit else. A few times I've had to grab her should her and yank her away from walking into the random shopping contractor on a mission. Anyway...

About a decade ago, I come out of my utterly hotboxed studio, blurry eyed, after hours of staring at my piano keys and computer monitor. I get to the kitchen and about 9 feet away I see my wife unpacking her shopping bag. With a nonchalant motion she whips out what looks like a turkey bag filled with deep olive green with hints of red hairs, so full it's bulging. I let out a gasp, and barely utter, "Where the hell did you go and score today?"

She just looks at me blankly, "What?"

Me: "That's at least a H.P. if not a full pound bag, where the hell did you go?"

She picks up the bag, "This yarn?" and she roars into laughter.

To this day she talks about the really dank bag of yarn she brought home one day.

Fast forward about 6 or 7 years and she figures out what to do what that cheap yarn a friend gave her. She used a small portion of the bag to knit the pot leaf into the weed cap she knitted for me one Christmas.

Nug Hat.jpg

So yeah, I've gotten that magical huge bag of not weed, that in a strange way it did become weed.