Blaze & Daze

My house is a tract home built in the mid 1980's with no redeeming architectural value. The yard is triangle shaped because it is an outside corner lot. I bought it for the yard and huge covered patio.

Mine was built crossing both '79 and '80, right in the middle of the Florida cocaine craze. I shudder to think how many rails of blow were done while my house was under construction. Judging from the plumbing, the plumbers showed up with ounces of blow every day. Electrical is a close second, they had no patience for anything either.

So I've just slowly been finding problem after problem that could have been prevented with some planning 44 years ago, sit back and smoke a bowl, watch hours of youtube DIY home fix videos, figure out how to fix it so it will last at least long enough to get my kid out of high school. We missed the move to Vegas, the financial stars misaligned by about 8%. So now I'm back to taking my time and getting it so it's a chill pad for the next 4 years. After that I intend to fully make this house someone else's problem, the way the temps are going I might be able to advertise it as future beach front property.

Once the living room is done, the dining room and library should go fairly quickly. They don't have plumbing issues and we're crossing our fingers we won't find anymore foundation issues when we pull up the rest of the old pergo, so it should just be some minor patching, painting and then re-texturing the ceilings and finally the flooring that's been sitting in the boxes for over a year now. My goal is to have the main house done before December and my wife working in the library instead of her bedroom. Then I get to turn the once baby nursery into a teenager's room, she's put her foot down and wants to get rid of the changing table she's turned into a shelf for the last 11 years. Now she wants teenager things. So I'm back remodeling the first room I rebuilt in 2008, when we were first starting to try to conceive her.

The kitchen, well that needs a lot of help but it's the one room we can't live without since we almost never eat out. Once everything else is done I'll be tackling that, I really hope that I've practiced enough with woodworking that I"ll be able to build cabinets, I really don't like anything for sale.
i have a killer looking chocolate skunk cross got seeds off last year heading into flower :weed: starting to look impressive if i dont say so myself

lights on in 5 mins i'll have a peak, with my new canonSX50Hs, see if its any good for taking weed pics
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@StareCase ....How did you know that damn song has been running in my head for a couple of days now? Funny how some of the shit that was overplayed/ya hated at the time screams back in with a new sheen....huh?

Our (800 sq ft) house started life as a one car garage. I found the original garage door header when I tore into the wall between the (added on) bedroom and the living room. On slab...they obviously didn't know at the time that the garage would end up as the "weekender"/long term dwelling here. We heard the original plan was to build a house (or move a trailer...we heard both stories) across the creek where my garden now lies but finances/etc. evidently got in the way and they never built anything else. Built in 1979....pre-building codes. All that had to be inspected back then was the electrical (by the state) and the sewer/shitter system. Fortunately they built a sturdy building. Cosmetically...when we first looked at the place I was on the fence to start over or go with it. A good friend does construction and took a look and said we'd be nutz to tear it down and spend 150K to build the same thing.

I've redone the entire house down to the studs. Plumbing/electrical/etc...and I added 20 windows and 5 doors...3 of which are sliders. However....I'm on the brink of selling my table saw/big Rigid floor chop saw and some (OK...lots of) other shit cus I told the wife "I'm fucking done. No More." I'm gonna paint/maintain what I've created...but my ass is tired of fixer-uppers and general slavin' like that. 5 houses in...3 remodels and 2 start-to-finish builds....I've had my fill of fun. The only really good thing is that I knew enough to do most of it myself. Having others come and do work in the Vail Valley was like cashing out yer I learned to do most everything on my own. Freaks me out to think of all of the projects we've done.

Friday, huh? Okie dokie. We'll go with it.
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