I love Loo dog's face

I love Loo dog's face
It's Simcoe Day ... or the Civic Holiday ... or maybe it's just August trying to be September... Just found out it's a long weekend here. Woot ...
Is this a long standing rule or a very recent one?... I have a rule against working on a long weekend ...
It's Simcoe Day ... or the Civic Holiday ... or maybe it's just August trying to be September
Is this a long standing rule or a very recent one?
You know ... that might be a wise choice. Cause one recent weekend, you accidentally did some damage to your drain tray. And so to avoid any potentially similar issues this weekend, I completely agree that you should invoke that rule.... This will be the second time we planned cleaning and I've been forced to invoke the rule ...
Really nice,congrats bud,those are some nice flowers as usual!Today's our 26th wedding anniversary and she still hasn't smothered me in my sleep.....yet. I will start harvesting the first plants from the all purple autoflower grow this weekend.
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Sorry for your loss. Dachshunds do have a strong pray drive , but “ a good size sheep” seems a bit ambitious.these neighbors next to me have 6 dogs, always getting out posting on facebook about how they lost a dog or two, im sure its them not a fox but cant prove it, i have checked at the other neighbors and they have sausage dogs, and the other place has their's caged properly
i need proof mofos own me a good sized sheep, only just got her too off a mate she was the best looking one she had freckles and was the leader of all the other sheep and a mum to a new lamb
i told them they better watch there dogs from nowcause i will be
Damn...that sucks about the sheep. It's always a challenge to intro non-native species into the mix with all the native critters about. We keep chickens and I worry all the time I'll have to play "hunter" if someone intrudes on their space. Right now we are dealing with a couple of squirrels who are eating chicken food and generally scaring/pissing of the girls. Gonna have to take some action soon before they start fucking and making more liddles. Also saw a HUGE coon recently. He seems to be living in one of the giant/trying to die hollowed out cottonwoods on our lower lots. Biggest coonI've ever seen. If he decides to fuck with/kill my chicks we'll have to switch from the pellet gun to the 9mm...(I'll use the suppressor so I don't disturb the neighbors...LOL) Haven't shot/killed anything in decades...but if you can't do your own thing oin your own space we'z (youz) gonna have problems.
Colonoscopy....oh yeah...what fun. Just hope they fully knock you out or it's a real fun time!If you can see that TV screen...get the Hell up off that geurney! Trust me! Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi-yi....
More warm to hot here today. Supposedly a change coming...maybe a monsoon-type pattern for a few weeks. Either way...that 90+ with 15% humidity stuff makes keeping 15 gallon smart pots wet a bit of a challenge. 55 gals of water per day for 15 plants. Slluuuuuuuuuurrrrrrppppp!
But those 100's....nope. No way. I couldn't do it after 40 years in the mountains/cold. The only thin g more brutal is 100+ with high humidity...like in the Midworst. Grew up there (KC). Never again! Yuk.
I hope yer day is groovy
Mmmmm. Chicken. I never kept them because I like eating them so much.Coons were our number one enemy when I kept chickens. Ruthless little bastards.