i caved in and microwaved a bud off my current growabout 2 weeks early, it was for research purposes
initial report is promising, no signs of mold, very smooth, skunky earthy goodness, maybe i went to lite on the nutesThe Scientific Community is grateful for your efforts. Please relay your data asap.
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15 years and 8 months. 2044 posts.
Then again I don't think I posted more than 10 times in my first 6 years. I read a fuckton, but didn't have much to say, until I found TNT.
The grow forums suck for chatting, too many aholes with big grow ego.
Morning,nice here too 50'sGood morning, happy Tuesday.
Sunny and warm again. Last couple mornings have been jacket weather.
Happy 12th year anniversary!Joined Aug 13, 2012, always something to celebrate!