I missed the sports gene.

Always blew my mind that my friends would work all week...jonesin' it hard for the weekend...then they'd spend 1 of their days off watching "sports" on TV. Super Bowl/'ockey/any popular event on Sunday always left the ski hill vacant so we'd always take full advantage of such days.
That Fall weather "switch" flipped here a few days ago. Nighttime lows went from 60 to 45 in a few days. You can just feel it comin'.
Lotsa garden goodies comin' in. The wife has been roasting peppers like crazy and we are going to take the last 30 or so onions this AM. HUGE sauce tomatoes coming in. Canned 8 more pints of Dilly's last night and there are tons of beans still coming on out there. We have a bevy of projects on tap we've been waiting to do 'til it cools off and that time is rapidly approaching. My back already hurts just thinkin' about it all. LOL.