Blaze & Daze

1 day after I leave :wall:
Lake Hemet, I loved watching the trout releases there, have you ever been there?

1 day after I leave :wall:
That is amazing. Did I really see that? Fish pumped
Out of a pipe into a beautiful lake in Cali?? That was wild.

Sounds like a fun day @DeadHeadX . Still unsure if my head can process hallucinogens anymore. Haven't ventured into that realm since the boy left. Had hundreds of fun rides in my youth on all sorts of tabs/dots/ while I keep thinking about it I dunno if I can actually step across the line. Figures. It's like easy now...but the interest is down and we are getting old, it seems. I grew tubs upon tubs of Penis Envy thinking I'd have a party er something but none of my friends were into it anymore. BT, DT. Wheres the 4-way windowpane from '74? LOL. Memorable. Very.

Rain today here. Maybe lots of it. It's rare here to see em say ".8" in the forecast. We usually get the hit and run storms and nothing hangs around long. Could be some snow up high. Gonna take all the tomatoes in. Girls will be fine. I am going to take the sativas into the garage and do the old in and out on em for the duration. They will like being a bit warmer @ night. Thought about setting up the hps in the tent but damn...I hate that stuff. Thinking about taking em down. Anybody need a portable sauna...'er...a....grow tent? LOL.

What a good fucking disc...
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Sounds like a fun day @DeadHeadX . Still unsure if my head can process hallucinogens anymore. Haven't ventured into that realm since the boy left. Had hundreds of fun rides in my youth on all sorts of tabs/dots/ while I keep thinking about it I dunno if I can actually step across the line. Figures. It's like easy now...but the interest is down and we are getting old, it seems. I grew tubs upon tubs of Penis Envy thinking I'd have a party er something but none of my friends were into it anymore. BT, DT. Wheres the 4-way windowpane from '74? LOL. Memorable. Very.

Rain today here. Maybe lots of it. It's rare here to see em say ".8" in the forecast. We usually get the hit and run storms and nothing hangs around long. Could be some snow up high. Gonna take all the tomatoes in. Girls will be fine. I am going to take the sativas into the garage and do the old in and out on em for the duration. They will like being a bit warmer @ night. Thought about setting up the hps in the tent but damn...I hate that stuff. Thinking about taking em down. Anybody need a portable sauna...'er...a....grow tent? LOL.

What a good fucking disc...
Have a blast! Rateliff puts on a great show and Mavis Staples is a G@$-damn legend. Enjoy!!!
Rateliff is one of the acts I’m really excited to see. Love his stuff. I’ve actually seen all the other headliners before, but that doesn’t matter at all. Just ongoing to (and making) live music.

Sounds like a fun day @DeadHeadX . Still unsure if my head can process hallucinogens anymore. Haven't ventured into that realm since the boy left. Had hundreds of fun rides in my youth on all sorts of tabs/dots/ while I keep thinking about it I dunno if I can actually step across the line. Figures. It's like easy now...but the interest is down and we are getting old, it seems. I grew tubs upon tubs of Penis Envy thinking I'd have a party er something but none of my friends were into it anymore. BT, DT. Wheres the 4-way windowpane from '74? LOL. Memorable. Very.

Rain today here. Maybe lots of it. It's rare here to see em say ".8" in the forecast. We usually get the hit and run storms and nothing hangs around long. Could be some snow up high. Gonna take all the tomatoes in. Girls will be fine. I am going to take the sativas into the garage and do the old in and out on em for the duration. They will like being a bit warmer @ night. Thought about setting up the hps in the tent but damn...I hate that stuff. Thinking about taking em down. Anybody need a portable sauna...'er...a....grow tent? LOL.

What a good fucking disc...

I took some mushrooms a little over a year ago for the first time in a couple decades. I didn’t have super heavy stuff on my mind, but I was in a little funk, and a medium sized dose of shrooms really brightened my next couple of weeks. No promises to anyone, though I was pleasantly surprised. I’ve had them several times since and find them quite enjoyable. Medium to small doses which have been pleasant and manageable.

eta: definitely did some hard trippin’ in my younger years and don’t have a desire to go back to that kind of space.
This state is wide open now for trips. I dunno...maybe I need to change my approach to a more medicinal bent (?). We always just went as far as we could. There's a lady here locally who does Ketamine therapy and it's damn tempting. I'd like to venture back in...but if I do I'd like something different than acid or shrooms. That >place< and the way everything gels/comes on is just too familiar. I love the backside of the trip but the front end can be intense. I also haven't tripped much without ample application of alcohol/etc. Heehee...youth. My high school was like a pharmacy....

I wrote a take on my last acid trip on Erowid years ago. I wonder if it's still there (?)

Doses? Doses? :D

Didn’t know there was lake Hemet :D
For a week or two every August we headed up there for vacation where my dad and I would do a lot of hiking and fishing and I made great money cleaning trout and catfish. Peanut would love Hurkey Creek and Spillway Canyon. It's in the San Jacinto range you turn right after Mountain Center instead of left to go to Idyllwild.