Blaze & Daze

@curious2garden is shopping right now! Both my tents are full of HLG lol.
I wish I were. Instead I'm changing my dryer's igniter (again).

Of course my husband "borrowed" my ignition wrenches so until I can turn a 1/4" tiny wrench I can't remove the fucking shroud. He borrowed mine because he could not find his. Now I can not find mine........ I'm about ready to go with the vice grip solution.
It was something to do with her primary doctor wouldn't release her for surgery or someone in her office and we have been trying all day to get her on the phone no luck this has not been a good day o_O
Well shit! I do not know how you are englishing. I'd have lost my mind on them! I'm so sorry Jeff. Now get a new Primary Cary physician anywhere. I'm so very sorry
All you need in a toolbox is a crescent wrench, hammer and duct tape. I go nuts if anyone messes with my tools. It's a hangup from aviation when we had to do tool inventory after working on the Apache to be sure nothing got left on the aircraft.
My husband spent his 22 year career with MAC on heavies. He has a very cavalier attitude toward tools. I'm from surgery. My tools were more precious than some human life. We are opposites. It's too bad I can't use his intestines for a new drum belt. I'm having wild fantasies about doing horrible things. This too shall pass.
What really sets my wife off is all the measuring spoons and cups I've relocated to the grow room lol. Every time she starts baking she is cussing me for taking off with all the tsp and tbls measuring spoons. I'm amazed I wake up some days, she should have smothered me decades ago.
I was a maintenance machinist for Anheuser Busch. We had 3 wheel bikes to service the plant. If you were going in to the old original area you'd best have some duct tape, bailing wire and WD40 and all the bikes did. On the other hand in the newer area don't touch it without a technician.