Blaze & Daze

One of my best friends dragged me to play golf a long time back. He called me up at like 9pm the night before and said I should go play. I had no idea it was gonna be early the next morning lol The deal was he was gonna pay for everything........well shots at 8am isn't a good idea lol So we got pretty f'd up and I kept yelling out fore every stroke. He turned back and yelled you're not gonna even come close, don't yell it out every time. The ball took him out! I hit him right in the ass ckeek :lol: bam dropped him like a sack of potatoes. Totally didn't mean to and felt really bad. But we still talk about it lol my wife said how the hell did I get grass stains on my response is a full contact sport babe you should see G's ass :P
Thanks needed that,lmfao
50°s and nice today.

I can see! Well better.....I fucked up my eye the other day. Scratched the hell out of my cornea somehow. I still have a special contact lens in, but I'm not in pain. So that's great. :blsmoke:

How's everyone doing today? Weekend plans? Me I'm playing with my wood till it's up and stacked......any help would be appreciated lol
It's not like you're not loaded up with hlg gear lol. I'm late to the game with my miserly ways. I'm helping a guy set up his grow space from nothing and he's paying me so my old lights will have a home. Heck, both my main lights are less than a year old!

I'm dying to see how their bar lights work. I've only used quantum boards.

I think I got my 350s around this time last year.