Blaze & Daze

For peak rates here on Ontario, that's about $1.50 per day - adds up over 1 month. Ontario's peak Time Of Use rates are $0.15 per kwh.

She's in CA. I think they pay a lot more than we do for power.

No golf today I bet. This rain is glorious! I had to drag the dog out to pee this morning. He noped out on the first rain drop.

I tried my hand at grooming on Friday. It's shorter than it's ever been.

... She's in CA. I think they pay a lot more than we do for power ...
Oops ... thought you were asking for us. Well ... now we know what we would save during peak TOU hours.
... No golf today I bet. This rain is glorious! I had to drag the dog out to pee this morning. He noped out on the first rain drop ...
The rain is glorious. The Spud made it outside before the heavier rain started so he's good there. But it's going to be a total couch day for him.

A range day yesterday but no whackfuck today. It is a "call the mechanic" morning though cause our big black beast is losing power steering fluid big time. Reservoir filled in Oakwood and the thing was empty before we hit Port Perry. That's considered a big time leak. Hopefully is just one of the hoses that have totally blown.