Blaze & Daze


Finished the new netflix Adam Sandler bop. I think I am in love with Hanuš. Best space movie featuring a giant cute space spider ever!
Just finished it also. I kinda dug it. I liked that it was technologically androgynous. Weird telefax lookin’ shit next to outdated laptops on an interplanetary mission funded by the Czech Republic. Was kinda wild. Hanus the spider therapist was awesome! Realize to those of you who haven’t seen it, this shit above must look mental.

A rare (for this season anyway) Winter Weather Advisory here from this afternoon til tomorrow night. 5-9 predicted with 10-15 on the hills behind the house. Hopefully it comes as predicted and is super sloppy/wet stuff. May start as rain down here. We will see if they hit the mark or not. We sure need it. I started tracking the snowfall in October because they said we'd be above average/El Nino'd out...but nopes. Fertilized the fruit trees/hit em with some sulphur yesterday in preparation of the event. Might hit the lawn this AM before the moisture comes. Jut seein' some green now...yawn...(still sleeping)

I think I saw a thrip in the veg tent yesterday so everyone got a Spinosad bath. Those things are a pain. I think we got em from (stupidly) accepting some veggie starts last year from the neighbors. Fought em...thought I had em beat...then...yeah...the wife mindlessly accepted a planter full of lettuce starts.... so I hit everything in the dome over the last week and thought I had em whipped. So much for thinking..(and wives). Ay-yi-yi-yi-yi....