Blaze & Daze

Happy Turdsday y’all!

Miz Chiz & I celebrating 15 years of wedded bliss today. Funny, I say Miz Chiz though she never took my last name (fine by me), but did hyphenate on a few key documents (drivers, health card etc), so that it appears somewhere. Since both our kids are adopted, have my last name & we’re a tri-racial family, it can cut some confusion ;)

Stay elevated friends :peace:

Happy anniversary bud!

Just had ours 9 days ago :blsmoke:
43. But I met her in 8th grade in '71 when we split a hit of White Lightning LSD at the drinking fountain before 1st period. She got the majority of the dose and freaked out/had to be escorted out of school by her girlfriends later in the day. I waited all day for my first trip to arrive but never reached peak velocity. I made up for it over the next few years :P
We didn't hook up until after college in '80 when I moved in with my best friend/her boyfriend of 9 years and he cheated on her (again) and she used me for revenge sex...LOL. I moved out after he figured it all out via a mutual friend a week or so later and I took her with me.


Oh yeah, I got the job. I start a week from monday. It is going to be some long hours, about 52 or 53 hours per week, but I'm used to 36 to 40 hours. So, the initial raise that I thought I was getting income wise works out to be about the same as if I were to work a bunch of overtime at my job. But, the potential for much much higher income is definitely there so we will see how that works out. I also get weekends off 100% of the time so that is awesome.