Blaze & Daze

Our excessive heat warnings pale in comparison to this hurricane shit. We used to live in Houston and had the pleasure of sitting through Alicia. The eye went right over our house, we lost power for 4 days. Similar deal when Carla rolled through, it rained for a week. I was just a boy. After Carla subsided it seemed like every little dry spot had snakes on it, much fun for 10 year old boys wandering around looking for trouble.
We finally decided that the Houston area was not fit for human habitation.
Only have one gig this weekend and that is this afternoon. Should be nice and easy. Afterward I gotta deliver weed to a few clients, then dinner with a buddy. Easy weekend, I needed it. Sorry to hear about the weather troubles, like life isn't challenging enough. Have a relaxing Sunday everyone...
So, it’s gonna kill me, but think a few of these are gonna have to get chopped this week. Not gonna be left with much, as rot/humidity got me good.

Think a lot of the greenery in the yard has to be removed. A little too lush back there so it’s an open invitation.

Stay elevated.

Bubblegum Sherb: