Blaze & Daze

Back in December of 1985, Mrs. S. and I were vacationing in Antigua. And we stumbled upon this little snack bar near the end of our beach - so natch, we had to try it. On the counter was a little Tabasco sized bottle with a hand written label - "Suzie's Hot Sauce." When our food came, the girl behind the counter said that you should only use a few drops max - otherwise look out. Since her look was quite serious, I followed her advice. Glad I did ...

Suzie also sold those little Tabasco sized bottles of her hot sauce so we bought one as a XMas gift for the Old Man. The Old Man being a Turk meant two things - being stubborn AF and being convinced that he can handle ANY amount of hot pepper. So we offered the same advice to said Old Turkish Man ... I bet you know where this is going.

The Old Man pshawed away our advice and confidently proclaimed point #2 above - he can handle any hot sauce. So he put 7 good shakes over his plate of spaghetti. A few forkfulls into the meal, we could see him starting to sweat. And to highlight point #1 - he finished the whole plate and pretended he was OK. We found out a week or so later that The Old Man spent that night - and the next 3 nights - regretting each and every shake. As such, Suzie and the Old Man were gonna take a break from each other and "see other sauces", as it were. This is December, 1985

My Dad passed away in May of 2005 and that afternoon after the funeral, we all congregated at my Mom's place in London. I opened the fridge saw that the bottle was still in the same spot - nearly full. He put the cap back on that night and never touched it again. Final score:

Old Man...0
135,600 scoville units, that's from memory. I always say it out loud before it shows up on the screen of any Hot Ones episode. Is it worse than you imagined before you tried it? Also, please post any pics of your facial expression after eating some.

lol I have not tried it and I have no plans to try it.

A few of our friends tried it on NYE and nearly died.
I have more hot sauces than I will ever use, and for those that don’t know I make my own sauce, last year I grew over 40 types of peppers including Ghost, Scorpion, Fatalii and Habenero, along with many other hots. I would love to share some stories, but this little girl stole the night tonight, so my hot sauce stories will have to wait, I’m going to try and get out and get some plant pictures later. Here’s our new addition, still working on a name, my wife says peanut but I told her that’s taken….

I have more hot sauces than I will ever use, and for those that don’t know I make my own sauce, last year I grew over 40 types of peppers including Ghost, Scorpion, Fatalii and Habenero, along with many other hots. I would love to share some stories, but this little girl stole the night tonight, so my hot sauce stories will have to wait, I’m going to try and get out and get some plant pictures later. Here’s our new addition, still working on a name, my wife says peanut but I told her that’s taken….

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what a little sweetheart. Congratulations!!
I opened the fridge saw that the bottle was still in the same spot - nearly full. He put the cap back on that night and never touched it again. Final score:

Old Man...0

Reminds me of when we were emptying out my grandparents house 2012, very straight laced, uptight moralists (pushing fundamentalists.) In the very back of my grandmother's medicine cabinet was a 6 oz brown glass bottle with a very aged hand written label listing it as morphine, cannabis indica, chloroform, alcohol, and something else I cant remember listed in ml. I think it was just called Elixir or something like that, no brand. Nice calligraphy on the label but not branded or commercial.

My mom had never seen it, neither did my uncle or any of the cousins. The best we could guess is that it was from before they were born and had been transported through at least 3 houses over 60+ years, it might have even belonged to the great-grandparents but we had no way to find out. We measured the concoction before tossing it and found that only one dose per the label instructions, had ever been taken from it. My uncle took the empty bottle to the local pharmacy to see if anyone remembered where it might have come from but no one had any knowledge of who sold what in the area back in the 1900's.

The fact that bottle survived that long with no one in the last 2 generations having ever seen it kind of blew our minds. We all wondered which grandparent or great-grandparent took the single dose and said, "Oh, hell no!" but still refused to toss the bottle for almost 100 years.

Edit: I may put in my will something like, "To anyone who successfully finds any of the MDMA, LSD, or weed I've misplaced over the years, enjoy. It's all quality and safe."
I have more hot sauces than I will ever use, and for those that don’t know I make my own sauce, last year I grew over 40 types of peppers including Ghost, Scorpion, Fatalii and Habenero, along with many other hots. I would love to share some stories, but this little girl stole the night tonight, so my hot sauce stories will have to wait, I’m going to try and get out and get some plant pictures later. Here’s our new addition, still working on a name, my wife says peanut but I told her that’s taken….

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Aww that is all:eyesmoke:
Just received 2 huge CAN filters, I love these things. Really the only great thing to ever come out of Canada. I'm returning 2 AC Infinity filters that worked for about 3 days, then were ineffective. Check out the obvious packaging. I'm so glad I had all of these filters shipped to my alternate address, if I had them shipped to my actual house I'd be in jail already.



