Blazing Before Surgery?


Well-Known Member
I'm going under the knife in 6 hours, and will be under general anesthesia.

Has anyone ever toked up before surgery? any bad effects?



Well-Known Member
So this is a "in patient" procedure? Man you're gonna be knocked out anyways,, IMO it might cause you more anxiety. Best to go sober.



Active Member
You never know with these things. Although cannabis is the least harmful drug out there (imo), you can never foresee any kind of complications that may arise. Your best bet would be to go into surgery clean and sober, just like the doctors expect. Don't throw the doctors any curveballs


I damn sure would be stoned if I was going to be drugged and sliced open..... but I guess that's just me


Well-Known Member
your going under the knife at 4AM? lol you must be in another time zone

i would toke now and it wont matter, because youll be sober in 6 hrs anyway


Well-Known Member
I been under the knife so many times bro,, the drugs they give you are the shit! Lol

Like being on a roller coaster,, then it's nite nite. Lights out!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've never had any kind of surgery before. Don't know what general anesthesia feels like.

Well 4 and a half hours to go and I'm puffing down my last joint.


Well-Known Member
I had my appendix taken out and I had to get high before I went I was nervous as hell and I'm OK


Active Member
I have been under the knife many times and have smoked before all of them,and I have had no problems,except the 6 hour sugery left me with blured vision for a few days. good luck


Active Member
i went under the knife 5 times in one year, all were complete knock outs. Wouldnt toke up first, anytime i been down there been heart monitors, people takin your siz and weight, there a guy whos specific role is to figure out how much shit to pump into you to keep ya sleepin, do you want to make his job complicated and possibly not wake up again? they give ya a heavy seditive first normally, it ill do ya just fine! Good luck mate hope it all goes well.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, just got back home from the hospital.

I toked about 2 n a half hours surgery, and I'm feeling great!

Woke up from the anesthesia pretty energetic and positive. No nausea, no headaches, no bad effects.

However I will admit that in the form I filled out for the anesthesiologist,It did ask if I smoked "Hachich" (it was in french) and I said yes. The anestheseologist didn't judge me and i think that honestly helped him do his job better and safer.

Man, Marijuana is truly God's gift to Earth.

Thanks for all your feedback and support RUI! best believe this is the first site I'm checking post-op



Well-Known Member
embarrassing as it is to say, I had a gynecomastia procedure, i.e. removing my man-boobs LOL. It's genetic.

Gotta say, I'm in loads of pain and the bud i have is doing a better job than the codeine.


Well-Known Member
I've had two children via caeserian section and I was smoking cones right up until I went to the hospital... The reason they dont' like you smoking when undergoing surgery is the cough reflex... If you cough while a surgeon is cutting you, he can make some pretty serious mistakes by slipping. You also bleed more if you're a smoker due to circulation issues, but it depends on whether or not you put tobacco with your MJ...We do here in Australia, so that's bad before surgery....Vape away, right up until they put the anesthetic into your a herb, not a drug....


Well-Known Member
I blazed before haveing my wisdom teeth removed under anesthesia, appart from itching like shit for a few seconds as I woke up after I was fine, and was basicaly out of there in like an hour or less after.


Well-Known Member
embarrassing as it is to say, I had a gynecomastia procedure, i.e. removing my man-boobs LOL. It's genetic.

Gotta say, I'm in loads of mine and the bud i have is doing a better job than the codeine.
Nothing to be embarrassed about dood.

I'm kinda surprised they only gave you codeine though. You would think this scenario would call for Vicodins or percs.