Blazn`s 3rd Grow, Flying Dutchman White Widow and UFO Blanca


Active Member
Hi ladies and gents,

Welcome to my grow journal.

This is my third grow and no doubt will be my most successful. I grow for many reasons but mainly now because it is an addictive hobby which I enjoy. I'll give a little history of my last grow (for anyone intrested).

First grow was a homemade tent using homemade DWC, started with one tote and then upgraded it to 4 DWC buckets. Worked extremely well but I didn't tame the beasts and they ran out of room in tent that i built in the garage so, I built a shed and let them bud in there under a 600W HPS. The Bud in the picture was about 12inches long and rock hard. sorry for the bad quality. That grow yeilded approximately 8 oz from 4 plants. It would have been alot better but due to some really retarded mistakes like , dropping lights on plants and having plants fall over from roots growing to big. Anyway...


Second Grow was a disaster. Started with 4 clones from a mate, no idea what they were. This time i gave up the DWC due to trying to simplify the maintenance procedure. After the second day I started this grow i went on holidays over sees for 10 days and came home to some nice looking plants. Then myself and my mate built a growing enclosure using White and black panda sheet in my shed and put the plants in there to bud. Unfortunatly I got called out to a job and was away from home for 4 weeks without phone contact so my wife was unable to look after them for me. Came home to some half budded dead plants. SOOO sad... Pic is of the setup just before i went on holidays ( they looked alot better when i came home from the holiday)


Current Grow, alright enough of the past, although im still smoking that half dead bud. For this grow I bought a 4x4x7 foot tent and bought 5 White Widow Flying dutchmen and got 2 free UFO seeds 1 afrodite and 1 Blanca. I gave 2 WW seeds to my friend and on the 10/1/11 started to germinate the rest. The temperature was about 35degrees celcuis during germination and seeds sprouted the second day. At the moment I am vegging them in the Turbo Tank under 2 twin 30watt T5s. For some reason the afrodite seed did not come through and today i removed her from the setup. Here is some pics,

My Tshirt from attitude, BTW love the quick service i`m in aus and got seeds in 2 weeks during the Xmas break.


This is day 5 from start of germination. First Seedling is one of the white Widow and second is the Blanca from UFO. I plan to buy a 4x4 Flood and drain table next weekend for this tent. Currently I plan to use this tent as a grow room only. I have permission from the wife to use the walkinwardrobe which is about 7x7x8 foot for the Bud room. For this project I may use two 3x3foot Flood and drain tables or build a custom one.

Anyway I will try and keep this Journal Fresh with pics daily.

Feel Free to post and comment

Till next time,




Active Member
Some pics of seedlings today

Using a Half strength Solution of Dutchmaster Gold Grow A and B. Keeping the fan blowing the seedlings and rotating their cubes twice a day. The LaBlanca is the Seedling Second from the left the others are White Widow.


Active Member
Thanks Chillcat,

Today went and bought the flood and drain system. very happy nice simple easy to maintain and clean. UFO LaBlanca is the little crooked one in the back right (due to a little too much wind blowing her) but shes goin strong.

Once these Girls are all grown up ill keep the Blanca and Best WhiteWidow for mothers and flower the other two. Not sure which growing technique i will use to flower those two but, this year i plan on trying everything at least once.

Heres some pics from today Plants little under 2 weeks from seed


At the moment the plants are in 6 inch net pots. Once their roots come out ill plant these pots into 200mm or 250mm standard pots.

Ill try and post more frequent pictures so I can keep track on speed of growth in this system.

From memory id say the Turbo Tank (NFT) system did not grow the seedings as fast as my homemad Drip DWC, and only time will tell how well the Flood and Drain will do but ill stick with it either way due to its ease and tidyness.


Active Member
Today added another twin 4 foot t5, thats 50% more light yerrr!!! Figured they big enough now to use it. Heres some pics phone went flat when i was about to take picture of the runt of the litter so ill add some more tomorrow.

pictures of the plant start from back left and go clockwise.



Active Member
Came home from work today and the fluro closest to door of tent were off (plug got knocked out some how). The front 2 plants were bent right over facing the middle light. I turned on the light came back in an hour and they were pointing straight back up (wish i had filmed the sneaky little plants). Took some close ups of node progression sorry about the bad qaulity i need to figure a way of setting lighting up for pictures. again starting in back left and go clockwise.



Well-Known Member
Yep, some seaky little plants you got you lie awake wondering what they're doing alone in your tent. Never can tell about those flying fuckmen.....


Active Member
ya when im home im constantly checking on them making sure they arn't causing too much trouble.

Putting a question out there any input appreciated

I am planning on using this as a Mother / Veg tent. For flowering do you think this 4x4x7 with the 3x3 flood table can support a 4x8x7 or slightly larger tent with two 3x3 or 4x4 flood tables.


Active Member
Plants are doin great. One is almost half the size of the others but ill keep it going because had small plants in veg out do others in flower before.

One problem I am running into is roots. As i have them in netpots i can see the roots balling up and also means light is penerating them. So doing a little experiment with my 200mm standard pots to see if the water will wick up high enough to wet the roots at the moment. If not ill have to change the height on the Drain pipe allowing it to flood higher.


Ok so you can see whats happening from the pictures. next flood should be happening right now so i'll update this in about 20 mins


Active Member
Well it doesnt seem the hydroton wicks the water up very much so if i want the roots getting wet im either gonna have to wait till they grow a little longer or modify the drainage pipe. either that or fill the table full of hydroton which i might do but i want these plants mobile.


Active Member
Been thinking about the flowering room and we have ditched the idea of decking out the wardrobe at the moment. Thinking of buyng this tent its 3x1.5x2 meter tent

I would probably run 2 smaller 1x1M or one larget 1Mx2M flood tables and 2 or 3 600watt HPS. Being 3 meters is nice because it will give me room to have a portable A/C inside and maybe even some room for some soil grows as well . Still got a while before flowering at least 2-3 weeks since i will probably flower 2 of the weaker plants and keep the other 2 as mothers.


Active Member
Just an upate of pictures from today. uncluding one of my grows bodygaurd he/she looks way fatter in real life must be chomping on all the unwelcome bugs. Also as you can see temps get quite warm here even at night the plants love it for veg but for flowering ill need to control this.



Active Member
pics from today, i recon 2-3 weeks time to start cloning and flowering.

Its funny seeing the huge difference between photo 3 and 4 even though they are the same strain. My first grow was this strain but all 5 seeds turned out like photo 4 except seemed to grow alot larger but i think that was because of my DWC/drip setup.



Active Member
Yes these plants are 19 days old from the day I pulled the seeds outa the packet. But I definatley recon dwc Grows faster but is alot more maintenance and drink alot more water


Active Member
Hey just another Update from today, Leaves cannoing a little due to high humidity but looking good apart from that. Root made their way out the bottom of the net pots now will fill the flood table with hydroton soon.


Was wondering if anyone recons i should top the taller plants or not and clone the tops.

Also please check out this Thread i started for the guerilla grow.



Active Member
Removed the Fluros and put in a 600watt HPS. I want to get bit of stretch and stronger lower branches for cloning. Ill add pics tomorrow.

Also if reading this could recommend me a good strain thats mainly Sativa and good indoors and outdoors.


Active Member
Got bored so just orded Barneys Tangerine Dream from attitude seeds. The description for this plant is absolutley awesome everything you want from a Plant and Bud. Hopefully when i get in about 2 weeks can grow it up and give it the justice it deserves.


Active Member
Its all happening now. After putting the HPS up the plants didnt seem to like it so put em back on the fluro. Plants were saggy, would this have just been temporary stress?
Anyway got the Tangerine Dream comming and today went helped a mate out and scored some unkown seeds. Hes telling me his outdoors are already 2meters high and only about 4 weeks old. Is this possible? maybe he got the time period wrong. Anyway i started germinating these seeds and tomorrow when they sprout they going into soil. If i plan these seeds for outdoor is it ok to start them on fluros or should i just give them full sun? The seeds will be transplanted to the grow sites i Found earlier.

Here are some pics plants just ticked over 3 weeks from seed.


With my current grow, the bagseed started and the tangerine dream comming soon gonna have my hands full and plenty to wright bout,



Active Member
been a long time since posted on this thread.

Week 1 flowering. PLants on one half of the 4x8 tent under a 600Watt adujsta wing with AC keeping room nice 24 degrees and about 45-50% humidity. Next grow or even sooner ill use the full width of the room using 2 or 3 600watt air cooled relfectors.

Pictures in chronological order from last week till now


plenty of growth this week filling out the area nicely. Still havent recieved my Barneys TD hopefully arrive this week. my WW clones i took last week are doin well and have a couple roots at only 7 days. They are still under dome but will be putting them on the turbo tank sometime this week. Also my soil grow bagseed have recovered nicely since I put em outside and cooked them. I will probably put them somone with half sun and just see how they go. I will update picks of grow room and stuff tomorrow.