“Bleach” in hydro systems

I see numerous posts recommending the use of “bleach “ as a preventative/cure for pythium. This thread is for them. A couple questions:
Assuming you mean Sodium hypochlorite, when you say “bleach”;
What are your application ratios (“bleach”to water)?
What is your schedule for dosing your reservoir?
Do you have a method of measuring the chlorine ppms?
Same questions for users of “pool shock”.
this should be all you needed to know, right?
The idiot that started this post asks about using bleach and then says they're not interested in using bleach. I'm waiting for their product recommendation that will set you back $75 for enough to last a couple grows in a couple DWS setups.

This thread is dead.
Pop quiz score:
What brand of “bleach “?
How often do you apply it?
Do you measure chlorine ppm?
Who's the troll? I thought you got paid the big bucks to hunt trolls not be a f****** douchebag....