

Active Member
I am running a Titan flo n Gro, and since i can remove the plants from their bucket i want to sterilize the entire system with bleach between rez changes. The rez is 55 gal how much bleach per gal would i use to clean system, and of course would be flushing several times afterwards.

Any help thanks
1 cap full of bleach per gal of water, and a good rinse and it will be fine no need to go crazy flushing the system 10x any residual bleach will evaporate quickly with a good rinse. but if flushing several times gives you peace of mind maybe thats the better option :)

i have heard one guy talking about how he leaves the chloramines in his tap water and he thinks they help kill off any bacteria. which if your synthetic nutes only this makes sense. if your running organics probably a bad idea since you need a living ecosystem in your rez for organics to work.
I just get a five gallon bucket, a sponge, a couple tablespoons of bleach and go at it. Fill it with tap when Im done, run it for a couple hours then drain its clean. Bleach will definately kill off any nastys
really no need to clean the system like that in between res changes. my res's and systems only get cleaned every 9 weeks.
I use a product called Physan20 to clean everything between uses. It's bactericide, fungicide and virucide. It kills every single celled organism. Standard dose is 1 tsp per gallon. It's toxic to plants at that dose so flushing is necessary but it will absolutely sterilize everything washed with it.
Ive herd of physan20 nothing but good things, i have got that nasty snot slime death and never want to see it again so in between water changes prob will run bleach through the system minus the plants and flush. And use phys20 after each run. That should work, thanks all

Instead of filling the whole 55 gal drum up i could prob just do half or less so i dont have to use to much bleach?
Bleach is cheap. I just fill a 5 gal. bucket halfway, pour some in (no measuring, but probably around 2 cups) and start scrubbing. For the lines you don't have to fill it, just put enough in the res to run back and forth a few times. Halfway should be plenty. Just be sure to rinse with tap water real good afterwards. All that said I think doing it between res changes is unnecessary unless you got a bad case of slime going. Between cycles for regular maintenance is plenty.
I am running a Titan flo n Gro, and since i can remove the plants from their bucket i want to sterilize the entire system with bleach between rez changes. The rez is 55 gal how much bleach per gal would i use to clean system, and of course would be flushing several times afterwards.

Any help thanks

First off bleach will not kill eveything! With that said i would go with ona bleach A/B shit is the stongest!
and because bleach leaves a ressidue i would run dawn dish soap through, then shop vac out the suds.
fill your res with about 20gal and cycle to clear any leftovers then dump and your ready to go!

im guessing you had a slime outbreak so you might look into teas or a number of other things to control the issue
First off bleach will not kill eveything! With that said i would go with ona bleach A/B shit is the stongest!
and because bleach leaves a ressidue i would run dawn dish soap through, then shop vac out the suds.
fill your res with about 20gal and cycle to clear any leftovers then dump and your ready to go!

im guessing you had a slime outbreak so you might look into teas or a number of other things to control the issue

Only got slime in my cloner a few times, and have seen the damage it can do. Want to prevent it in the future . So use ona bleach at what rate? Also i run it through the whole system, than suck the suds out with vac. than flush with dawn dish soap through whole system and drain?
Only got slime in my cloner a few times, and have seen the damage it can do. Want to prevent it in the future . So use ona bleach at what rate? Also i run it through the whole system, than suck the suds out with vac. than flush with dawn dish soap through whole system and drain?

Yep use it after you run the bleach! Use the ona as shown on the bottle, stuff is strong so dont get it
on your hand or clothes. Just make sure you run a few cycle of new water to was out the soap, dawn
is a dish soap that leaves zero residue so it comes out easy! For the buckets i use a toilet bowl scrubber
to scrub out the shop vac for the win. You should not need to do this but every third grow if these go

what solved my issues with the cloner was to cange out the water every week and add new tea!

If by some reason you need to clean out the res during
a grow cycle, use the same process but only in the res.
dont let it flood or your fucked!
Yep use it after you run the bleach! Use the ona as shown on the bottle, stuff is strong so dont get it
on your hand or clothes. Just make sure you run a few cycle of new water to was out the soap, dawn
is a dish soap that leaves zero residue so it comes out easy! For the buckets i use a toilet bowl scrubber
to scrub out the shop vac for the win. You should not need to do this but every third grow if these go

what solved my issues with the cloner was to cange out the water every week and add new tea!

Im so affraid of that snot slime death that i dump my water every 3 days. I run kln rooting hormone. Off topic but what should the air temp be while cloning? the water temp is fine, and have noticed the higher the temp the better luck i have had with cloning. but since its winter the room temp is alot colder and am having issues with my current run of clones.
Im so affraid of that snot slime death that i dump my water every 3 days. I run kln rooting hormone. Off topic but what should the air temp be while cloning? the water temp is fine, and have noticed the higher the temp the better luck i have had with cloning. but since its winter the room temp is alot colder and am having issues with my current run of clones.

My veg room is always in the 80s and i like my water to be warm to, only thing that keeps things in check is tea!
To save you some money just get a 5gal bucket with a air pump and use distiled water! To make brewing simple
just get the extreme tea packets.

Sounds like a good idea, i love diy but i already have a titan flo n gro and kinda have ocd and like shit to match lol. what are these extreme tea mixes couldnt i use ancient ocean earth worm casting and roots excellurator? I think i came across a forum from heisenberg about teas have to look around. Thanks for all the help everyone, i posted some other threads would love for you to check them out as you seem to know your stuff.
The titan brw kit comes with extreme brew packs,

my tea consists of
ancient forest
hybrix mollasiss
myco madness
Yep use it after you run the bleach! Use the ona as shown on the bottle, stuff is strong so dont get it
on your hand or clothes. Just make sure you run a few cycle of new water to was out the soap, dawn
is a dish soap that leaves zero residue so it comes out easy! For the buckets i use a toilet bowl scrubber
to scrub out the shop vac for the win. You should not need to do this but every third grow if these go

what solved my issues with the cloner was to cange out the water every week and add new tea!

If by some reason you need to clean out the res during
a grow cycle, use the same process but only in the res.
dont let it flood or your fucked!

I could just pull the inner bucket(with plant) out of the bottom bucket and flush clean the whole system than put it back in correct? And regarding teas say i brew some up and wanted to throw it into my cloner how much would i add to a turbo klone t48? its holds about 5 gal. and how long does tea stay good for. the flo n brew makes 3 gallons every 24 hours? I should just be able to use the tea and ro water in the cloner instead of all that other crap i put in it? And what temp, ph do you brew at?

And finally im assuming the tea will work in the cloner or will i have clogged sprayers? I read over heis's thread on root slime and am going to buy the zho powder,aqua shield and af, and start a brew on fri. trying to figure out how im going to brew enough for my 55 gal drum!
Do not buy the zho! That will clog your spayers.

Just do a simple brew of aquashield and ancient forest! Use great white or myco madness but no zho!

i would add x2 cups of tea to 5gal every week to the cloner!

and 3gal for 55gal res and then 3cups every three days in your titan.
Do not buy the zho! That will clog your spayers.

Just do a simple brew of aquashield and ancient forest! Use great white or myco madness but no zho!

i would add x2 cups of tea to 5gal every week to the cloner!

and 3gal for 55gal res and then 3cups every three days in your titan.

the 55 gal rez is whats feeding the titan so 6 cups total or just the 3? thats alot of tea brewing might have to buy a bigger brewer lol. no zho it is....

Im putting a hold on the cloner right now, bleached the shit out of it and packed it up. i totaly f'ed up some clones i had over 3 weeks in the cloner and only got as far as some nubs, so i threw them in some rabit rooters and under the dome. I had better luck in my DIY cloner i made, wont give up on the t48 tho. should work next run hopefully with the tea. Thanks you, u sure know your shit, good to have you around. Id love if u dropped by my grow every now and than and slap me when u see me f'ing something up.
Ok for the titan add 3gal. Of tea for 55gal. Of res water. Every 3 days add 3cups of tea!

And for the cloner add 1-2 cups of tea! For 5gal. Of cloner water!
once a week add another cup of tea!

this make better sense?