Bleedmaize's Medical Perpetual 2000w Soilless Garden


Well-Known Member
Clones have less then three weeks before they are going in to flower and get this thing going perpetual!!! They were in rough shape when i bought them. But i got 10 for $60 and they are comming around nicely.



Well-Known Member
Plants look healthy as fuck man. You should have no problems re-vegging that one plant either. It may take a while for it to revert back to veg but it will happen eventually.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! Glad to hear that , wasn't sure if i was wasting my time trying to get her back to veg. Things seem to be going pretty smooth. Need to prep my promix next time. Holds moisture a lil to long. Thinking half a bag of perlite and some EW castings for a lil extra buffer and N? Maybe even happy frog, Heard it has enough in it to skip the veg nutes?


Well-Known Member
great show you are putting on for us bro :D they lookin healthy n your array of flowering plants is impressive!

Papaya is one of my favorite strains alltime. Might have been the killer pheno I got but I had the same one going for years perpetual n it was just such a heavyhitter knock you on ya ass strain :)


Well-Known Member
Fuck thats good news if i ever heard it. If it comes out like that , maybe i can try my hand at re-vegging a plant after harvest! My pops keeps telling me he did it a few times back in the day , might be fun to try.

Appreciate you taking a look bro. Enjoy the show! Your shit is top notch.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man! Glad to hear that , wasn't sure if i was wasting my time trying to get her back to veg. Things seem to be going pretty smooth. Need to prep my promix next time. Holds moisture a lil to long. Thinking half a bag of perlite and some EW castings for a lil extra buffer and N? Maybe even happy frog, Heard it has enough in it to skip the veg nutes?
I used happy frog, fox farm ocean forest and ew castings and I didn't feed for 3 weeks. That was just about my entire veg cycle but I fed them nutes one time at the end of the 3rd week for shits n giggles. Not sure I would recommend the soil I used though... I'm going to get away from the FF OF but not sure about the HF. I was thinking pro mix and perlite or straight coco for my next grow. Still deciding...


Well-Known Member
reveg is def doable just takes patience. Can take up to a month to get the plant putting out steady growth. also gotta leave a bit of popcorn/lower smaller buds for the growth to shoot out from. Im sure you are aware but figured id throw it at ya in case :)


Well-Known Member
I used happy frog, fox farm ocean forest and ew castings and I didn't feed for 3 weeks. That was just about my entire veg cycle but I fed them nutes one time at the end of the 3rd week for shits n giggles. Not sure I would recommend the soil I used though... I'm going to get away from the FF OF but not sure about the HF. I was thinking pro mix and perlite or straight coco for my next grow. Still deciding...

What didn't you like about the HF and FF oF?


Well-Known Member
i would be amazed if they came from the soil but the soils only as good as the quality of conditions it is stored in between being assembled and being sold to you. All itd take was for the gnats to lay soem eggs in the bagged soil while it was in storage. I have used happy frog for years without any fungas gnats.

only prob I have with foxfarm soils is the high price but it pays for itself imo :)


Well-Known Member
So where can a guy get some crazy good beans. I have gone through a few but you guys have been around the block a few times , I really want some ogkush ( chemdog91 )from reserva privada ..what else is elite must have connessuer grade?


Active Member
The attitude has the best beans...As far as ff soil it has white flies real bad it is natural acurring in the soil but u can rid them by doing a drench with azamax and that will take care of them