Blimburn Diesel, anyone know it?

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Been wanting some diesel, Blimburn has a version; Jack Herer x NYCD. Sounds like it should be nice, so I'm going to plant at least one in a week or so. Not a lot of current reports on Blimburn except grizzly.
Anything you can tell me about their stuff in general? They have a lot of interesting varieties available.
So many choices, so little space & time. I should have started 40 years ago.
Going to pop the diesel regardless, just curious. That's what we do here isn't is? Ask for advice & then ignore it? :mrgreen:

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
Day 59
Despite my best efforts it survived. Looks like another week or two unless it commits suicide before then.
Just in case anyone was wondering about their seeds. 'Bout a pound, probably. :mrgreen:

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
@oilfield bud - thanks for asking!
Chopped right at 10 weeks. I'm pretty happy with her. She leaned more towards the Herer side, taste-wise, but that's quite ok. It's not been jarred but a couple of weeks, initial testing resulted in a speedy sativa high but the crash is rough a couple of hours later. Worn out.
Very easy to grow, she tolerated a wide range of adverse conditions, heat, ph flucs, fungus gnats, all kinds of shit. Smells like paint thinner/naptha in the jar. Here she is on harvest day. I'll try to put together a proper report soon, this weekend is pretty full for a change. In skilled hands she'd really be a stunner.


oilfield bud

Well-Known Member
Looking great buddy, I actually like blimburn, I was extremely happy with there cr+. Ill definitely be watching for ur smoke report buddy