Blm, the next level

Is it talking about shit pre-1970 in America?

The mission list was written before the 70's, some of them have already been accomplished and some have not been yet.

Why do you think the 70's is important?

70's is when OTO was re-established and this changed some of the elites functioning

But this council of 300 is above the basic illuminati. The ex illuminati guy claims there are around 850 running the world. Council of 300, most loikely has 300 members and im sure they also are not equal, but there is hierarchy there as well
The mission list was written before the 70's, some of them have already been accomplished and some have not been yet.

Why do you think the 70's is important?

70's is when OTO was re-established and this changed some of the elites functioning

But this council of 300 is above the basic illuminati. The ex illuminati guy claims there are around 850 running the world. Council of 300, most loikely has 300 members and im sure they also are not equal, but there is hierarchy there as well
The 70's is also the time that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda lost complete control over every aspect of our society in America and started their troll on Democratic party when they retreated into the Republicans.

Basically the tactic they use in the Southern Strategy is what the Russians hijacked in 2016 to get Trump elected. Racism and Religion added to trolling any legislation aimed at anything not in the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic as some sort of '-ism'.

Anything pre-1970 is not reflective of the Democratic party today as it has become the most closely aligned to the people of our country than any other time in known human history (feel free to school me if I am incorrect with this statement).
I only posted one video of illuminati. And that video was not some random conspiracy theorists talking about shit, but a proper council sitiation of a legit guy. If you watched it even for a moment you would had realised that it was not just some random conpiracy shit. The other video was about an official CIA document talkinng about the council of 300. Its a fucking official CIA document that says this you just say idiot conspiracy.

To other international pot websites, i dont think i ever posted anything politics related. Neither have i posted much here either and i dont recall talking about this topic on these forums before either. So yea there you go.
tell us about the shape shifting reptilian holograms
Sadly there is tons of conspiracy around politics and it has to do with this BLM movement and how its being handled and why. I think it is a serious discussion. Im not some super conspiracy dude, but i have looked up quite a bit of stuff over the years and started to see the big picture better.

Its easy to just say that all conspiracies are bullshit and not look into them seriously. Most of it is bullshit, i dont claim that it is not, but some small part of them are actually true. I think the adult thing is to understand this and not just blindly dismiss everything that has the conspiracy stamp on it.

You trying to diss everything i say all the time without any proper points is just blindly attacking someone whose words you dont take into serious consideration. THIS IS THE SAME EXACT THING YOU ACCUSE ME OF DOING! Its just that you say that i blindly follow the russians and what ever conspiracies and you are on the other side, but you do the exact same thing you accuse me of. Its funny how psychological projection works
There all conspiracies, all the credible ones center around Trump and treason, they appear to be supported by a lot of evidence too. Present the evidence base for your contention, cite some credible academic sources who study these things, expert opinion, these are free people too.
The mission list was written before the 70's, some of them have already been accomplished and some have not been yet.

Why do you think the 70's is important?

70's is when OTO was re-established and this changed some of the elites functioning

But this council of 300 is above the basic illuminati. The ex illuminati guy claims there are around 850 running the world. Council of 300, most loikely has 300 members and im sure they also are not equal, but there is hierarchy there as well
The 70’s was when I did a lot of acid.......thinking you did way more :(.
So just going full Trump propaganda with the 'senile dig' and the 'fake' trolling against Biden?

But it is true that biden is pretty senile, he keeps forgetting words and saying all sorts of weird stuff. Im not saying that trump is better option, like i said many times. Both are crappy options that work for the same goal, even tho they would say different things. What does biden really want to do? Does he want free healthcare? Does he want free university degree education? Does he want a proper police reform?

Only thing he is running with is that he is not trump and they played bernie out, because bernie promised real change.

Again i dont think its better to vote for trump and i dont say its wrong to vote for the lesser evil. Im saying that there is no good option to vote and i dont condemn people who vote for biden or dont vote at all. Personally i dont think i would vote or i would go vote with some good fuck you letter or just vote for bernie even tho he is not on the race anymore.

But you are just talking about a conspiracy and saying that it is sounding like fascism so it doesn't really mean anything. I do agree with the Antifa stuff being a con though.

Yea well what does it take for a thing not to be a conspiracy? If no officials admit it but you can see it going on in front of your eyes. Is it a conspiracy anymore? Or does it just depend on how many people believe in it for it not to be a conspiracy anymore, even tho the officials would not admit it?

So you admit then you have been radicalized by the conspiracy theories?

Nah. I would not do violence and neither is it related to conspiracy theories. Im just saying that i would not condemn morally if people started shooting. Even tho it would be a bad move because the other side seems to want to make people do extreme things, so that they could put out new laws that inhibit freedom of speech or rights to protest. Therefore it would be extremely stupid for people to act violently. But it would be understandable and it would not be morally wrong to fight the oppressors.

And i dont say this lightly. Im not a 100% pacifist, but almost. I do believe in right for self-defence and how things are going on in the states. Well its already starting to get there here violence could be used for self-defence against tyranny. However it would not do any good, because it would just look bad and they would be made to look like the terrorists and that would only give more power to the elite.

I dont claim to know what would be the best way out of it, but i can think of many better ones than violence. However that would require so much that it might not be possible. Perhaps BLM folks can one day organise in such a way that they can make a difference without violence. I think what they are doing with trying to keep people from rioting, protesting peacefully and keeping protesting is likely the best way at the moment. But more and more of these protestors have been accused of shit by the media that they wont be tolerated by so many regular folks not that heavily into the subject anymore. Soon all normal people will start to hate BLM if the elite gets their way. Do you think they would lose here either? Im sure they would prefer that to a civil war, and they could then end it with passing some laws that people dont realise is for limiting the freedom of speech etc or general spying on people what ever they do in china that USA also wants to do.

No if you want evidence that Russia is meddling with 'voting or anything' I wouldn't point to the fact that all 50 states had been targeted by the Russian military.
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Who knows what they do if their con wasn't working to get Trump elected.

Sorry but i dont see any evidence in there. Also new york times in not a media you should trust too much..

Like i said its common that different countries hack each others all the time. It doesent prove anything that russians have hacked some US government stuff.

Think about how the voting went. Who got more votes from people, hillary or trump? But who the elite puppets who have more power than regular citizens in voting decided to vote for and who ended up winning. So it looks like hillary was played out in reality by the USA elite, not russians.

Yeah Trump is dirty. And the Americans are the ones making the videos that end up being used in propaganda, but they are not (outside of Trump's militarized domestic terrorists) the ones editing and pushing them out into the feeds of the very specific groups of people who would be swayed by that particular message.

Google cambridge analytica and their connections with trump folks before the elections. Also check out what the cambridge analytica has done in the past with others.

Also its the regular trumpsters who mostly put out this propaganda, not russians. Go look at the trumps official forums and you see what sort of crazy shit they spread around. Then they run around the internet trying to be some great warriors pushing out their crap.

Some from the left also fall into spreading propaganda. They dont need russian trolls for this. And even if russia did have trolls like that, it wouldnt matter much.

Uh-huh. Basically a 'Left-Troll' like I went through their bullshit here:

I dont agree, but im not going to start to argue about it and try to prove jimmy.

Why is Clinton not locked up? Because the the 6 years of investigation the Republicans put onto her to troll her presidency they didn't find anything, because she knew she would be under a microscope and didn't grow up as a criminal. She was a middle class woman who worked hard as hell and married a very talented man who also worked his ass off to become POTUS.

I dont believe in this at all. Yea sure the investigations have been fake, but these things are more for stirring up the soup. Clinton has done plenty of criminal stuff, and so have many other politicians, its not just her. They get away with it because they are above law for being part of the elite. Sure you need to work hard to get where she got, but all that hard work was not for good. She was defending rapists and people of that sorts as a lawyer. And you dont have to work as hard as others when you are part of these secret societies.

You really seem to want to defend the bullshit narrative that Russia really wants pushed with this paragraph.

Do you really think that the 80k votes Trump needed in key states to overcome the almost 3 million more votes Clinton needed, was not swung to him with the over 9 billion interactions with the over 100 million American people that the Russians have been shown to have interacted with?
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Especially when you look at the third party numbers between 2012 and 2016.View attachment 4641370View attachment 4641371

Defending Russia and their $1.25 million a month budget (note this doesn't count towards all the funding it took to their military to build their operation) to conduct this attack is naive and foolish. And suspect.

Like i said few times, yes the social media has been influenced, but its not the russians that do most of the work. This company called cambridge analytica does just that.

I could say the same about you trying suspiciously much run the narrative of the elite, but i wont, that would be foolish to assume something like that.

And russians do have their own hackers, they dont need to rely on cambridge analytica like trump when he wanted to get elected.

And for the record, the clintons have been getting paid pretty nice amounts from russia also. Funny isnt it? Do you know that much of cash in USA is actually russian printed? Also a lot of russian money is USA printed. Do you know that large scale drug trade is controlled also by the government and a lot of it is moved by this forgein fake cash that is as good as real thing? They do tons of stuff behind the closed doors. However i dont think that putin is part of the same elite(he managed to get his own power, but is not any better, likely worse), but they do stuff more together than what is known publicly.

However i dont completely understand your point with all this.


Its funny that trump keeps making deals all over the world with forgein officials. Russians, chinese, arabs, everyone willing to do business.

Having a foreign military attack our elections for the benefit of a political campaign is not an option for everyone, because it is highly illegal. And that is why Trump is so desperate to allow Russia to continue their attack, and has begged other world leaders to follow suit.

In which country is it illegal if russians would had influenced the elections, but if trump did not collude with them? Is it illegal in russia or USA? USA keeps influencing other countries just the same way as russians do all the time. USA is no better than russia in this regard, but russians are treated as the bad folks. And i dont say this to make russians seem better than they are, i say this because USA is no better than russia in this regard. Both try to hack and in influence and try to start wars with anyone for their own benefit.

Sure a lot of things are better in USA than in russia, but really its not much better if you compare to truly developed countries with free healthcare and all that. USA is like half african 3rd world country and half highly developed, its insane.

Trump is dirty, Biden is not.

Yea trump is dirty outloud, thats part of his thing, to cause chaos and division. Biden tries to not look too bad, but not promise too much either. He jsut tries to be the option that is not the worst imaginable, so that the game can continue as normal.

And no amount of foreign and domestic trolls can change that fact. We have a long ass history of vetting Biden, and it has taken the Russians and Trump to try to make up shit to come up with anything, which is why Trump was impeached. He is so stupid he messed up and took too long and triggered his own investigation by obstructing congress.

Dude trump was not impeached and this trying to impeach game is something that is going on with all presidents. Its something the opponent tries to do every time. It never works even if it would be clear to 90% of people(they would just make some excuses of why there is no solid proof) and its just one of those tricks that is being used to make people think that they would actually be on different sides.

What does biden do better than bernie you think? Why is it that people wanted biden soooooooooooooo much more than bernie that bernie lost to him? It was the same game again, both republicans and establishment democrats played out the one who would had brough change and now there is a senile guy not even trying to win a fucking monstrous tyrant. Whats up with that lol
The 70's is also the time that the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda lost complete control over every aspect of our society in America and started their troll on Democratic party when they retreated into the Republicans.

Basically the tactic they use in the Southern Strategy is what the Russians hijacked in 2016 to get Trump elected. Racism and Religion added to trolling any legislation aimed at anything not in the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only demographic as some sort of '-ism'.

Anything pre-1970 is not reflective of the Democratic party today as it has become the most closely aligned to the people of our country than any other time in known human history (feel free to school me if I am incorrect with this statement).

Yes the 70's changed how the elite runs things. If you look into that CIA document about the council of 300s missions, beatles and rolling stones are mentioned there as tools of this council in order to fulfil their missions. So yea their tactics did change a lot. All this goes hand in hand with the age of aquarius which crowley talked much of and to his idea that he was the prophet of this new time. He was a bisexual and knew about the holy idea of hermaphrodite(which transsexualism is mentally about really). All his ideas are well suited to the lesbian gay trans people.

You know the regular working folks including black people used to be republicans and dems used to be the white supremacy elite clan that republicans today play. Look into bit further history. These are just political moves.

i would say that things got better before the 70's. If i remember right it was in the 50's when the economy started booming and regular people were doing really well. Since then it has been the elite trying to get more for them and take away from people and now poor people are fucked and in great numbers, while the most rich are richer.
tell us about the shape shifting reptilian holograms

They are an insane conspiracy used as a tool to make everyone look silly who say they believe in some conspiracy around this stuff. There are plenty of these. There is some truths to it, but not literal. It has to do with what the brain stem and other "lizard brain" areas do in our cognition
They are an insane conspiracy used as a tool to make everyone look silly who say they believe in some conspiracy around this stuff. There are plenty of these. There is some truths to it, but not literal. It has to do with what the brain stem and other "lizard brain" areas do in our cognition
”they’re trying to discredit us” says the guy pushing the conspiracy theory about illuminati jew bankers doing child sacrifices

”they’re trying to discredit us” says the guy pushing the conspiracy theory about illuminati jew bankers doing child sacrifices


You are just making stuff up lol, none of those videos mentions jew bankers and neither does the video talk about who did the sacrifice he mentions. You are just making stuff up to make me loo kas bad as possible. Its funny how you accuse me of being a troll etc, but you do the trolling yourself for the elite all the time and trying to turn peoples eyes from real change(which is not biden, nor trump, nor hillary). You must be really fucking dumb if you dont do it on purpose.

Its also funny how you just say im retard who just keeps on trying, when you dont even try. You jsut try to attack me on a personal level because you got nothing to back your shit up.
You are just making stuff up lol, none of those videos mentions jew bankers and neither does the video talk about who did the sacrifice he mentions. You are just making stuff up to make me loo kas bad as possible. Its funny how you accuse me of being a troll etc, but you do the trolling yourself for the elite all the time. You must be really fucking dumb if you dont do it on purpose
oh, the bankers who control the world and do child sacrifices are not Jewish in this version of the conspiracy theory?

That’s a first
“Biden is senile!” says the guy posting ‘Illuminati jew bankers control the world and do child sacrifices’ youtube videos

No self awareness among these foreigners
oh, the bankers who control the world and do child sacrifices are not Jewish in this version of the conspiracy theory?

That’s a first

If you knew a thing about judaism, you would know that these bankers do not go with the rules laid out by judaism. These bankers are the type of fake jews that jews have been warning about for a loooooooon time. They work for the devil, but claim to be jews.

But yea kabbalistic ideas they do follow, but i dont care to talk about this too much because there is a lot of truth in kabbalah i believe and dont want to give a false image that its some book of the satan or something. Ill jsut say that truths can be used for bad.

I also never said that these are all bankers lol. You just keep throwing you own shit in it all the time
If you knew a thing about judaism, you would know that these bankers do not go with the rules laid out by judaism. These bankers are the type of fake jews that jews have been warning about for a loooooooon time. They work for the devil, but claim to be jews.

But yea kabbalistic ideas they do follow, but i dont care to talk about this too much because there is a lot of truth in kabbalah i believe and dont want to give a false image that its some book of the satan or something. Ill jsut say that truths can be used for bad.

I also never said that these are all bankers lol. You just keep throwing you own shit in it all the time
oh ok so this is just another “jew Illuminati bankers who control the world” conspiracy theory
oh ok so this is just another “jew Illuminati bankers who control the world” conspiracy theory

Do they pay you for trying so hard to discredit everything i say? xD

Nah its not just another one of those, but like i said earlier, there are some truths, but also there are tons of stupid lies around to keep the willingly ignorant away from the truth and keeping people willingly ignorant abut those that are true.

Ps. i dont really think someone pays you to do that, but you try so hard and stopped making any sense long time ago. Now you are just basically trying to go with the narrative of that im insane conspiracy theorists and call me names so that i would look bad even tho you got nothing to say except empty barking.