Blm, the next level

Ya have to defend yer words here son, stand behind them and make em count, otherwise it's bullshit and look where that got America. First know what the fuck you are saying and most importantly, why you are saying it.
Beau is wise
Let's talk about your views, Trump, Biden, and getting to Utopia....
It’s a slippery slope and people are hiding from the reality. Hate speech laws are bullshit plain and simple. I remember when Americans would fight and stand for your right to say something even if they didn’t agree with it, cuz Muh free speech. Now as we enter the era of 1984, George Orwell is rolling in his grave. Truly these are scary times when you can’t state objective facts such as your gender isn’t fluid, which is an undeniable reality. This is what happens when you give children prizes for participation......That said I have no fear of these small minds, I will speak freely as it is my God given human right.
What do you mean by “your gender isn’t fluid”?
Thanks for that, surprised to see others like that post when the person in question has used exactly the same racist bullshit himself. Self awareness is key in life.
That video triggers Scotch racists big time.
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Im sure we can find examples of crazy shit being proposed everywhere, it doesn't mean that they are even remotely going to happen. Trump had total control of the House, Senate, and being the POTUS to do anything, and all he could pass was a tax break for the rich folks he likes to get money lent to boost his shell game from.

Noone is taking our freedom of speech.
I hope you are right
Used in medicine to describe a person whose peculiarities of their respiratory system forces them to breathe mostly through their mouth.
View attachment 4643246

used in a derogatory sense, it means slack jawed, stupid, ignorant, unwashed masses, goofy, unprofessional, dumb, uneducated.

In your case, it would be the latter.
That’s all you got? Can’t form a rational cohesive response so resort to insults and name calling.I won’t engage you beyond this. Find yourself on the blocked list with others who cannot act like adults and consider opposing viewpoints. Really you should grow up one of these days, It’s not a good look.
That’s all you got? Can’t form a rational cohesive response so resort to insults and name calling.I won’t engage you beyond this. Find yourself on the blocked list with others who cannot act like adults and consider opposing viewpoints. Really you should grow up one of these days, It’s not a good look.
Cmon, Troll, do you think you rate even a thought from anybody?

Why would they even try when replying to mouthbreathers like you. Not worth an effort.
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You proved my analysis of your conditioning and motivational bases to be correct, you're displaying classic cognitive dissonance and denial.

We white folks grew up on a diet of white and western superiority, many of the movies we watched on TV were from pre war times and most people became deeply conditioned on a subconscious level by it and by the attitudes of just a few decades ago. It's more about not carrying the past and your conditioning like a fucking cross upon your back, they suffer and you suffer, as has been demonstrated here by your wall of textual rationalisations. It's also a sign of a fossilized mind unable or unwilling to adapt, unwilling to have the courage and do the work of moving forward into a happier future for all. At its base is fear and conditioned aversion and that drives the whole mental machine forward, they are the "other" and you don't want to form a community with them, you don't care about them or want the best for them, as you should. You pine for a simpler past and want to MSGA Make Scotland Great Again...
Haha you couldn't be further from the truth mate.
I am an atheist but I'm also a hollistic.
Im sure ive mentioned this at least once already.
I practice reiki amongst other things. Somewhere between bhudism and the chi practices of shaolin monks.
No awesome kung foo though, I focus on the energy side of things.
The meditation/enlightenment stuff that nobody ever agrees with but I've never had a hard time for mentioning.
It's quite hard to disprove an atheist who accepts the existance of "god".
Especially a very anti religious one.

Being a holistic is different though.
We all have our own versions of how we do what we do.
I'm not particularly skilled in the arts.
"The truth" is even harder to swallow for me than the idea of god. I got close enough and had to back off. There's a reason people accept the idea of god.
I fully, 100% believe and accept that " god " exists.
But I've been party to things that have shown me that god is not what religious people believe it is.
Religion blinds them from seeing the real truth .
What we are ALL capable of.
Physically and mentally.
I don't force my beliefs on others because they are my beliefs. I know I'm closer to the truth than any religious person on earth.
I also know that if could actually make them accept they were wrong then their lives would probably collapse.
I think they're fuckin idiots but I don't give them a hard time directly. I'd never bully someone because of their religious views. The real bhudists are most likely closer than us hollistics are and theyre a lot more dedicated.the shaolin monks are arguably just as far ahead.
It's very similar practices we all use.
Chi. Energy manipulation. God.
It's all the same thing.
Religious people can only imagine "god"
The rest of us can actually use "god" to do an abundance of really weird shit.
That's all for tonight though. Ninite y'all :)
Things that bother snowflake Scotchmen (there are 65 of them):

2. People screeching the phrase "Och aye the noo!" when they find out you're Scottish.

3. English shopkeepers refusing to accept Scottish banknotes.

4. English shopkeepers calmly accepting your Scottish banknote, depriving you of the chance to grumble and lecture them about legal tender.

to be continued
That’s all you got? Can’t form a rational cohesive response so resort to insults and name calling.I won’t engage you beyond this. Find yourself on the blocked list with others who cannot act like adults and consider opposing viewpoints. Really you should grow up one of these days, It’s not a good look.
another trump cocksucker who just hates name calling and erased fogdog's free speech by cancelling him

pathetic triggered bitch
no. religion is based in faith and has no predictive value

please stop spamming us with your neo nazi lies.

I like that you said please, Poopy Pants. But you are wrong, per normal.

Statism is a faith based religion believing in an all powerful deity that has the power to smite you, if you disobey the commandments of the deity.
I like that you said please, Poopy Pants. But you are wrong, per normal.

Statism is a faith based religion believing in an all powerful deity that has the power to smite you, if you disobey the commandments of the deity.
No it isn’t