Blocking Air Manifold Holes?


Well-Known Member
I just purchased a 35w commercial air pump, and it came with a 6-way manifold to split the air distribution into 6 lines. I only need to currently use 4 of the holes since I only have 4 air stones, so can I block off the other 2 (using a 5" piece of tubing burnt and crimped at the end). Would this be bad as it's forcing air back into the pump or should I just let it blow the air out of those two holes?

Thanks :)

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
Don't melt anything. The air won't be pushed back into the pump, it will redistribute to the open outlets. To close two, just run a short piece of tube from one to the other - blocks them both.


Well-Known Member
Don't melt anything. The air won't be pushed back into the pump, it will redistribute to the open outlets. To close two, just run a short piece of tube from one to the other - blocks them both.
Sounds like a genius solution, thanks :)


Well-Known Member
yes If its a manifold it should just reroute the air to the path of least resistance.... i.e. the other holes. My pump has just 2 outlets, but I connected them up with a T-connector, no problems....


i think u read water backing up into pumps is bad.. and it is. but yeah the one hose connecting both is cool. u could also T lines together too probably. aka make 2 lines into one


Well-Known Member
Get a little one way valve from the petshop, to avoid water running back into your pump, or hang it higher than the target.... hanging aginst a brick wall reduces the noise alot.