Traditional theories say you need that P.
The limited science says boosters provide way more P than your plant could ever use.
Opinions? Anecdotal evidence?
IMHO, "boosters" are not necessary.
So long as you give the plants the proper amounts of each element/nutrient, the plants will thrive.
The plants tell you what they need. Loudly at that. Marketing gurus at a company where their only objective is to make money tell you the plants need way more than what the plants tell you, and use fancy words like "booster" with cartoon characters to promote it.
My instinct is to let the plants tell me, and not someone who shuffles paper in order to keep a job.
All plants need P & K. All plants. P and K play essential roles not just in flower, but through the plant's entire life cycle. This is easy to research. Many plants require a bit more of certain nutrients at certain times of their growth. That's still no reason to throw more at them just because they're in flower.
How about we ditch the marketing speak like "Bloom Booster", and call it what it is... additional Potassium and Phosphorus? I add mine in as a water-soluble powder from weeks 2.5 after flip to 12/12 through harvest.