Bloom Seed Co

MTN Trop bx

This was my favorite pheno and also the best yielding from my seed hunt with this strain so far. She has orange terps with a little bit of sour rottenness. Great bag appeal and hits pretty hard from the couple of rips of taken so far. Still curing up so I'll have to wait a little and see how she turns out once cured but I will be running this one some more. Will probably cross her with Peanut Butter Breath to see how the terps mash up.


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Who's jumped on the new drop? If so what'd ya get? I'm very excited for the "Sherbanger" (Sunset sherb x headbanger) It's definitely the highest ticket I've ever saw for his gear. I understand this project has been in the works for awhile w/ Boston roots but some crosses are TAX'd compared to his other gear and collabs. It's pricing tier range from $150 for the "FritterBanger", $200 On the Animal Cookies & Biscotti crosses but def wasn't expecting $300 ticket on the Dulce de UVA & "Flambe Mints" crosses. The Candy Fumez (Z x Sherbanger) is the only photo on his IG @ day 42 was truly epic! Just smothered in frost and has huge disco ball trich heads.

I'm a big fan of Harry's work, bought my first pack in 2018 Mtn trop fems and truly saw the magic w/ my own eyes so I decided to stock up on his gear and not miss any drops. I'm curious what other people think? Am I the only one thinking $300 packs w/ no pictures is a little steep? RN I'm just wondering if i would be better off buying 2 packs of the strawberry guava or GCC X's since we've seen the heat those bring. Other then that I haven't seen any other pics for these $150-300 packs which makes me wonder, are we the testers?
$300 is crazy

you’d think the prices would go down cutting out the middleman(seedbanks) not up
Exactly what I was thinking buds! When ya deal with the source price goes down, you'd think... Who knows but it seems like he's following the footsteps of other GREEDY "breeders" - Especially all the heat from the last couple drops: GCC regs $120 and Straw Guava Fems $120-150 which I had great luck w/ both! His gear is A1 Unique cannasuer level maybe he thinks he deserves it?? IDK but I didn't expect this.
The only way it would make sense if this was a looong project that a lot of work went into and actually ran everything and show us photo's from pheno hunts w/ a caption of what to expect, But $30 a bean!

Example recently being Luckydog seed co's latest drop and many others that aren't coming to mind rn, Exotic Genetix & Solfire post pics of each strain different pheno's and what to expect. I didn't see this coming from Harry. I'd really like to see what these $300 packs are about but It just doesn't feel right. Makes me wonder
The seeds from my two packs from Bloom (Strawberry Guava and guava Cooler) have been really good. I kept one cooler so far and the others from both packs could probably be keepers for other ppl. I'm happy with mine and I'd get another pack from Bloom. I think the price tag issue is a personal budget one. Just chiming in w my opinion.
Quick question looking for other cannasuers opinions. One from each line, regs & fems.

If y'all had to choose what packs wld u run? - Regs: GCC f2's?? or f1's?

fems: Strawberry rock candy (ARC x straw guav) - Drunken strawberries (Motor breath x straw guava) or the Straw guava s1. Staying away from OGKB/GSC derivatives (Dosi/Sherbs/Gelatos etc.)

Thanks in advance!
The seeds from my two packs from Bloom (Strawberry Guava and guava Cooler) have been really good. I kept one cooler so far and the others from both packs could probably be keepers for other ppl. I'm happy with mine and I'd get another pack from Bloom. I think the price tag issue is a personal budget one. Just chiming in w my opinion.
Thanks for chiming in. Yes your'e right there, some ppl will buy no matter the price... I've seen amazing frost covered pics of the cooler. How'd the terps / effects on your cooler keeper and s1 turn out?
Thanks for chiming in. Yes your'e right there, some ppl will buy no matter the price... I've seen amazing frost covered pics of the cooler. How'd the terps / effects on your cooler keeper and s1 turn out?
My keeper pheno cooler is really dank stank. All of them have been. I can't describe the smell very well it's unique and has a lot of different smells. The flavor is delicious and also complex. I'll get different flavors different hits. Most of them (I think 4 or 5 now) have had a pine/orange in there and the one I kept doesn't, but it has the lowest yield and doesn't look like it but it's probably best pot I've ever smoked. Chucking some pollen at my keeper. The effect is really nice and potent, euphoric uplifting, long lasting not sleepy. I have one more new one vegging of that.

The strawberry guavas (not the S1's but the cross), I've had two phenos. I think I've only popped 2 of those, but got two phenos, a strawberry- not super loud but a very nice plant. Didn't keep bc it made me too sleepy. Other ppl were ranting and raving about it. The other pheno was a loud sour papaya pheno. I have two more new ones if those vegging now too.

I'm not trying to be a salesman but just trying to help some fellow growers (friends, to me) make a good informed decision. It's true there are other breeders that have packs for cheaper. I've gotten cheap ones and expensive ones, from different breeders, for the diversity. I've been happy with Bloom, even price considered. I have bought and grown other expensive seeds too, that I was very disappointed in. Just a risk we take or don't.
I don’t see myself spending more than $150 for a pack from Bloom unless there’s solid evidence i’m paying for something that has been worked. There’s just too many great breeders that produce worked lines for $150 or less per pack. As much as I love Bloom’s stuff, there’s a lot of options if he decides to not be competitive pricing-wise. I’ll still happily support him if he continues $120-150 price tags for his stuff
I'm starting to wonder about all these newer higher priced drops. He releases new stuff every other month now so it seems. I can buy 2 packs of Sherbanger f2's or the Sherbanger crosses from Boston Roots for around $300. I'm just saying lol

Anywho I put one of my Fullmelts into flower. Expecting good things from this, been awhile since I had something sour in the lineup.