everything there is out of stock. maybe coming soon.ATTITUDE NOW CARRIES DJ SHORT SEEDS. This is in my one of the best moments in 2009.No more being stuck with Dutch Passion bullshit!
DJ SHORT has the first Blueberry and the best. They are not feminized (0 hermies). Many people claim that dj's blueberry has a better flavor, more color, and better germ rate. I have also heard from several people that DJ is one of the best breeders of all time ( a true pioneer) The fact of the matter is dp stole the genetics from dj, feminized it, and added it to the assembly line then claimed their blue berry was the original.(what other seed bank does that sound like?) All you have to do is look at how many strains dutch passion has compaired to how many dj works with (I think that speaks for itself) I have not had that great of luck with dutch passion there seeds are small pitiful looking things that have crappy germ rates not to mention hermie prone (why the fuck did I buy that 5 pack of dp blue berry?) oh because I love blue berry and untile now it was pretty dificult to find a seed bank that would ship dj's seeds to the states. I think I am gonna buy a pack of DJ's blue berry and grow them side by side with a full report.Yo Reefs whats the big differences between Djs and DP and another thing whos the true breeder of BB
I am not saying that every strain that dp has is stolen in fact I don't know how many strains are theirs. All I am saying is I know for a fact that Blue Berry is DJ SHORTS handy work. I just think that more people should support the small guy that worked his ass off to bring us kick ass bud not the companies like Nirvana, Greenhouse, and Dutch Passion That make tons of money off some one elses hard work that they did not create and then have the balls to say they did it (WHAT A BUNCH OF DIRTBAGS). I mean what would you rather have a hand made Ferrari that the man put his heart and soul in, or a Corvette off an assembly line that some asshole put a Ferrari emblem on and called it a Ferrari.Rite so what your saying is that when DP is there strain has been around since the late '70s ( as it does rite on the back of the package ) that was actually DJs. Ok so If I want that Blueberry again it would be wise of me to buy some from DJs stock not fake ass DP. See this is the problem this is why Im going to try Elite gen. and some of the other breeders out there those big guys are just legally hustlin in a way. I hate when people be stealin fuckin genetics, you never know what your going to get aymore . Thats another thing Im diggin the masters of breeding not the jack of all trades. With that said thanks for clearing that up Ill order some BB from DJ in the near future.