Blue buds?!!!


Is it possible to "dye" your marijuana? I remember a high school experiment in botany that assigned us to choose a liquid other than water to use as plant food. I remember a group of kids chose red Gatorade and their plant had a solid tint of red in it.

So it would make sense then that you would feed in a hydro system maybe, blue dyed water and get a blue plant but this just doesn't sound healthy to smoke honestly... Any else tried this or know of ways to change color? :peace:


Active Member
it doesnt change the color of the buds. maybe if you like cut a branch for harvest then set the end in food coloring and water but i wouldnt even waste your time.
if you want diff colors find exotic strains or just bud your plants in cooler envirnments to make them purple

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
yes this works
but is not honest
and can get you fucked up
just buy a colored strain
unless this is for personal smoke


Active Member
My daughter likes to put easter lillys in dyed water. I'd just go with a colored strain. There is some blue strains out there.


it kind of sounds to me like, you have crappy bud, and you want to die it a purple or blue, or something like that to make it "seem" better : /


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure some nutes companies add dyes of some sort. I know when I used to use H&G my buds were a little darker and when I cut the plants up the liquid inside the stems was the same color as the red in the base nutes. It might have effected the taste as well. Sense I switched nutes the buds are lighter in color and taste better but that could just be the nutes themselves I guess.

it kind of sounds to me like, you have crappy bud, and you want to die it a purple or blue, or something like that to make it "seem" better : /


Well-Known Member
My buds always look like a sugar wonderland & smell like a carolina pine forest the size of beer bottles


WOW talk about some rude people on this place... ghomes22, it sounds like I have crappy bud!! what the heck is the problem with just wondering????? I'm not going to say mine is better than yours and start some queer online argument but I grow my weed, smoke it, and get stoned. I think its grade A bud so thanks for not adding anything educational or of any use to anyone other than to be a dick. your wrong but thanks...

I figured adding pure food dye to the water would basically be blue poison to the smokers that's why I haven't bothered to try. I'm actually so parinoid I was thinking feeding one plant just blue gatorade as an expiriment but I don't even drink Gatorade so i decided not to do that one either.

Like maybe some on these forums I like growing weed as more of a hobby than a way to get cheaper drugs. The smoke is the reward of it all but i'm okay with losing a single plant or two for the sake of science. Not that i'm a scientist but its fun to experiment and play with nature....


Well-Known Member
Get some glow stick's... extract the liquid from inside it and put that in your feed, watch them Glow in the No need for sunlight as they will produce there own.. Brilliant or what lololololol


hahahaha that would be INSANE!!! I did some more research and even with the natural dyes your still SMOKING it not eating it so the effects are not the same...... BASICALLY if I were a scientist with a lab and could test all of these things it would be cool. oh well, green and purple weed if fine. I prefer the brilliant bright green crystal bomb over the dark green purples..


Really?! Oh jeez what have I been doing this whole time?!?!!!!!!????

I did however find some better solutions using blue berry's as an organic way to dye the water but even still like ghomes auto assumed, it would make the weed actually seem shitty because why would it be blue unless it was bad? aBUT!!! If you were to receive a fat royal blue nug that looks like it was dipped in sugar wet you might just think your an exclusive individual with highly exclusive marijuana hahahahahaha

Which was the whole idea with the purp.. being purple doesn't make it better but if I have it and you cant get it then HA! Immature as hell? Sure!

But if the blue berry process helps with flavor as well then you have a smoke able reason to do it and its just unique to boot!


And that about sums it up. I think I will still give it a shot but try to do it with a less concentrated coloring or as little as possible just to give most the leaves a tint of blue. This is down the road a little anyhow but I'll make a thread out of it if I can come up with a method that is a little less sketchy as apparently FDD's friends wouldn't touch it and honestly idk if I would have either if it was orange or red that seemed kinda dookie sounding to me.