Blue CFL?


Well-Known Member
Ive been reading for a few weeks around here and im working on starting my first grow. Im going to go with a mixture of LED and T5s. However i was thinking about the compacts and i have a bulb in my normal light that is fluoresent but its blue and i got it from walmart. It says its 13W but i was wondering if this is the same as the CFLs you get at Home Depot and since plants like blue light for vegging will the fact that this is blue make any difference?


big shay

Active Member
all my reserch says grow lux or warm white bulbs, not too sure though.
u can get that same buld at wal-mart 40 watts equal to 150 watts warm white for 12 bucks. workin for me good, but i'm a rookie too. good luck with ur grow...


Well-Known Member
im just wondering if this bulb is shit in comparison to the CFLs everyone else uses. And since ive gotten blue leds for vegging i was thinking about it. I think ive come to the conclusion that its the normal spectrum a CFL puts out just colored blue so really its useless.

big shay

Active Member
I would lose that bulb, it's crap... u never know though, it's trial and error.
I'd stick with ? works.... keep me updated. lata big.